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  1. B

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Thanks for the help heisenburg, so just to clarify i should not use sulphur burner when pumps are on or not at all? What im thinking is if i filter water then try sulphur burner and see an effect then it may tell me wether its in the water or in the air so i havean idea of how to go about...
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    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    I am afraid i am in the exact same position i have been growing for years then suddenly everything looks messed up, cal mag/N looking defs, pink stems wilting stretching and mutated growth. Everything i buy dies, even if i keep it stupidly dry in coco, i cant manage to grow or keep any...
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    DWC improving yields

    Funny how i hear the same thing all the time, these big air pumps just arent cutting it for getting DO into the water on a level that fullfills the roots need for oxygen, everyone says the same thing.. ''my air pumps get plenty of air in'' followed or proceeded by ''They love their air baths &...
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    DWC with no Air Stones! you Heard me!!!!

    Sorry for the pointless post, simple minds like that annoy me though, nice setup there sqydro as usual and a nice job as usual, hopefully one day ill have the room to run a similair setup and not just single buckets, one day :)
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    DWC with no Air Stones! you Heard me!!!!

    BBC do you even grow? or just go around making retarded suggestions to people that clearly dont need your grow advice? seriously whats wrong with people these day's i'd love to see you just come upto me and start cussing me while im doing my weekly shop, wouldnt happen, because im not licensed...
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    DWC improving yields

    Afrawfraw i have thought about the same sort of system, what medium did you have in mind? i was thinking of using clay pebbles and flooding for 20 min intervals with a 5 minute drain, i see the logic behind your idea the shallow water so that water and nutrients are still available to the plant...
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    DWC improving yields

    Ive just had a quick scan, which thread do i want to be looking in? thanks again :)
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    DWC improving yields

    Thanks for the reply guys, shiva ive run the farm with just drip ring on and with no drip ring, this added waterfall effect top feeding im doing now is a new test to see if heath robinsons suspicion of root ball agitation and plant metabolism are linked, ive only been doing it for 3 weeks in...
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    DWC improving yields

    Save face lol, interesting you say that. not all of us are sad enough to care about what people think of us on a forums mate, speakin of trolls wanna get off my thread dude? thnx
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    DWC improving yields

    Sorry you seem to be over sensetive for some reason, it was meant to be a smile.. LOL. No one said it was rocket science, however developing a mixture of DWC and flood and drain system that can fit my space and work safely isnt easy either, sorry to have bothered you, ill let you carry on...
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    DWC improving yields

    I mean improvements to the system ;) not grow principles to increase yield, thanks anyways. i was thinking more like at least looking at a way to achieve auto air baths 4-5 times a day. or possibly a cause as to why the plants are oxygen deprived in the system and a way to maybe correct it. Thanks
  12. B

    DWC improving yields

    Hi all ive been growing in my modded waterfarm inside a small bedroom unit for a while now and im always looking to improve the single unit because i havent got space to do RDWC yet. I basically drilled more holes in net pot for roots to grow through and added air stone as standard, the...
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    Too many roots

    Thanks for the reply, well thats what i was thinking, if i were to trim the roots its just that bad of a compact ball i dont think i would even be able to remove them from the rest of the rootball so im afraid they would just end up staying entangled and linger in there and rot, im just worried...
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    Too many roots

    Hi al im back again with another problem, in my flowering waterfarm (1 gal res) i suspect my plant in 3 week of flower(veged 2 week) may have some sort of stem or start of root rot going on so im doing all the usual drills, upon inspection of the roots they appeared to be packed, in a fairly...
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    Cool box quality

    Im just looking at cool boxes ready for the summertime and it seems if you want you can spend quite a bit on them or you can get them cheap and spend just £20, im thinking i dont mind spending the money on an igloo if they are really worth it in terms of performance compared to the cheapo £20...
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    DWC with no Air Stones! you Heard me!!!!

    Thats a very nice system your running there m8, cant wait till i can run one similair myself, im very interested in this idea of losing the stones for a waterfall effect instead, i run 2 single waterfarms at the moment and ive been looking at adding a controller res and recircing them for a...
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    H2o2 or the Beneficials

    I have to say from my own experience only in switching from using h202 to using bene's, rhizotonic and cannazym instead, their is a huge difference in root mass and health than the grow with h202, i never had root rot in h202 but res temps never reached higher than 18c, in benes ive had res...
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    Help with 2nd waterfarm grow

    Hey all im back with another waterfarm problem, this time its during veg, the clone was actually near enough rooted in the farm at which stage it was fine, however its been in veg for 1 and a half week now, it started out seemingly ok but as its developed into a small plant its now looking...