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  1. H

    Weed looks ok, but dosen't smell

    I'm not the grower nor dealer, lol. But i suppose somewhere along the line, someone were hasty and didn't give one (or more) of the processes enough time to finish. Anyhow, i've been concealing the jar for natural reasons, but it does have holes in the top. Still seems to go slow, and what i...
  2. H

    Weed looks ok, but dosen't smell

    BUMP! is it good to have air holes in the top lock, or should they be stored laminated in the jar? (what's left of it :))
  3. H

    Weed looks ok, but dosen't smell

    Smoked some of it yesterday, and i did get high :) However, i got someone who knows more than me to look at it. Claimed it was kinda moist, poor work by the grower. We put all of it in a jar and made some holes in the top. Should the holes be there while drying, or should i just tape over it?
  4. H

    Weed looks ok, but dosen't smell

    u think so? hmm, just so weird that there is no such smell as you should expect. Smells more like hay... EDIT: cuz i have to drive my car later, guss i'll try some later tonight :)
  5. H

    Weed looks ok, but dosen't smell

    bought some of this weed, and it looks ok to my untrained eye, but there is nothing at all of that recognizable great weed smell. Why may that be? Haven't smoked it yet, but is it bad quality? Uploaded with
  6. H

    Planting just one plant

    Hello! I've been wanting to grow just one little symbolic illegal plant in my house, just for the fun of it. I'm not talking about necessarily a very productive growth, so the setup should be simple. I know that it's probably not so efficient compared to the investment in lighting etc. I see...