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  1. Trey57

    my fan sounds like a jet engine, what can i do to quiet it down

    I read yesterday that insulated ducting is good for helping to keep the noise down..
  2. Trey57

    Bacadi green dragon

    Can't wait to here the verdict... I made some about a week before this thread started but I haven't touched it yet.. I think today might be the day I swig on my bottle a little...
  3. Trey57

    1000watt same as 4 250watt?

    :bigjoint: Ain't that the truth!! :bigjoint:
  4. Trey57

    just got arrested

    Is that the minimum charge in your state 50 grams or less ...? That's really fucked up... hope everything works out for ya imtylerdammit
  5. Trey57

    How can I encourage my plant to grow wide?

    :lol:....LOFL... Funny ass stuff right there...:bigjoint:
  6. Trey57


    LOL... exactly what I was thinking...:roll::mrgreen:
  7. Trey57

    weed + bed

    I got the same routine... Except I throw in another hit of the bong after the friends leave and then get down to the nitty gritty...
  8. Trey57

    To catch a predator

    He wouldn't last out there for more than 3-4 minutes... even old ladies would help stomp that f^cker out..
  9. Trey57

    To catch a predator

    I would pull every appendage of that nigga and make him eat it... no joke... God bless you phoenix and I pray that you have the strength to block that shit out... You need to find a phsycopath to take care of that motha f^cker... Trust me ..We are out there... I live to please God but if shit...
  10. Trey57

    To catch a predator

    I agree with this too but... Alot of these fuckers find a way to stay out of population so they don't get killed by the inmates... They should be dropped right in the middle of population with the tattoo on there head like someone said earlier... Let the killers have them... We don't need these...
  11. Trey57

    How have people been busted?

  12. Trey57


    If my man new what he was doin you wouldn't need either...
  13. Trey57


    It sounds like your Puss wasn't into him... You needed someone to get those juices flowin...
  14. Trey57

    To catch a predator

    Fuckin right... those laws should be everywere...
  15. Trey57


    Oh shit thats funny...:mrgreen: that really sucks for you ...:evil: but funny... you should of told that motha to get to lickin or something..
  16. Trey57

    Marijuana a Gateway Drug?

    What??? ... what??? It's a miracle..:mrgreen: Just fucking with ya drobro... you know how we do... :peace:
  17. Trey57

    ph what should i do!!!!!

    You could go to locall hydro shop and buy PH+ and PH- and add as needed.. Or for cheap... Alot growers use VINEGAR to lower the PH of their water.. It only takes a couple drops to lower the PH substantialy If your PH is to low, add Baking Soda... Baking Soda has a PH of about 8.1...
  18. Trey57

    ph what should i do!!!!!

    Soil and soilless mixes should aim for pH of 6. Hydro growers should go slightly lower which helps prevent pythium and other root rots-- 5.5 to 5.7 is ideal
  19. Trey57


    you could grow it and have some reg seedy Shwagg bud... or kill the bastard...
  20. Trey57


    ouch.. sorry... Those are some crossdressing, Crying game, plants... Yeah there hermies.. sorry better luck next time