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    BHO Closed Loop Extraction Questions

    I just picked up a closed loop from a new outfit that is based out of the bay area. Red Beard Extracts/Extractors. Apparently it is based on GW's design with some minor modifications. Best part... they were cheaper than specialized, included more stuff, actually responded to my emails, and...
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    More Money then Brains -OR- hey look I got a new Tamisium Extractor!

    not at all. might it have been over purged? i do know that over time it'll degrade, but the smell is intense when fresh. i mean really, what is the difference between blasting and using a tami? other than possibly a more pure butane used, reclaiming, there is nothing
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    More Money then Brains -OR- hey look I got a new Tamisium Extractor!

    is the terpenator the passive system?
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    More Money then Brains -OR- hey look I got a new Tamisium Extractor!

    you might check out these guys they make a simpler extractor possibly for less money
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    More Money then Brains -OR- hey look I got a new Tamisium Extractor!

    it won't make something more potent and i reclaim in about an hour. what is great about the unit is that i can do it all in my kitchen. i live in a downtown area, so i don't have the ability to be outside blasting anyway. also, just because something is cheap doesn't mean i'd want to be wasteful
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    More Money then Brains -OR- hey look I got a new Tamisium Extractor!

    i'm sure you are honing skills that will last you a lifetime
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    More Money then Brains -OR- hey look I got a new Tamisium Extractor!

    dude, you really need to work on your writing skills... really hard to understand you :/ no problem on the screens. we are a wasteful society and people go for cheap and quick at the expense of our environment.
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    More Money then Brains -OR- hey look I got a new Tamisium Extractor!

    i have done a ton of runs in my tami and am unable to make honeycomb. i can vac purge under heat (120-130 degrees) for days and still get nothing but a nicely purged oil/sap/shatter/pick a name you like that is stable at room temp. another solution for filtering, which i use, is a steel disc...
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    DIY 4-6 light controller for under $80

    it should if it is fairly modern.
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    DIY 4-6 light controller for under $80

    i don't see a problem doing all those off one circuit assuming the lights and a.c can be run at 240v. if either of the 240v circuits have a neutral, you could split it into 2 120v lines.
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    DIY 4-6 light controller for under $80

    you wouldn't use this setup. it is for switching 240v loads with a 120v trigger
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    Testing a Melon Head with Light Meter Tomorrow

    sorry for the long delay. things got real busy on my end but I'm hoping to get this done tomorrow :(
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    Testing a Melon Head with Light Meter Tomorrow

    I was curious how the light spread would be with the melon head so I bought one. I'll be using a 600w ushio lamp and a quantum ballast. I was thinking of doing a 4'x4' grid and measuring with the reflector at 1', 2', and 3'. It won't be scientific by any means, but might help people in some...
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    Best atmospheric controller?

    that was my thought... you can piece it together for cheaper, but once you go c02, it is cheaper to go all in one.
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    Will 2 400W be Worth the Electricity vs 1 600W, 2x4 Space

    good that you are going with multiple light sources. are you running co2?
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    Best atmospheric controller?

    I recently purchased that model for around the same price. I like its feature set, the detachable probe seems calibrated, and there is a lot of functionality. I don't think you will be disappointed. what sucks is that i'm setting up another grow room in the same basement and wish there was a...
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    E-Ballast Anxiety

    some digital ballasts are shielded. the ones that aren't are the ones that cause you grief.
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    E-Ballast Anxiety

    i recently bought a 600w quantum and it runs WAY cooler than my coil ballast. also, there was a significant difference in lux between the two ballasts measured with a good quality lux meter. my 600 pulls 3 amps at 240v. i personally thought coils were a better way to go, but the upside to...
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    Sentinel CHHC 4 Controller

    I have had mine for a few weeks and like it. At the moment just using a 8k btu a/c and a co2 generator
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    wall/window a/c question

    is that a brand or website?