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  1. T

    Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial

    This is a really old thread and by far the AWSOMEST!!! ,i have takin his methods and am trying with some now updated gear and easyier approches if someone can help me with a question ??? i use my phone for net and have been squinting for ages trying to find the right answere Roseman uses a 8...
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    First time bubbleponics .. whats going on with my plants????

    Thanks for the input bruz, I think I got mas nutes burn,i flushed for a day then got a new ec and kept it,low this time I,lost sum leaves but there recovering
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    First time bubbleponics .. whats going on with my plants????

    soooo aNYONE got any idea's?????
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    Welcome New Members!

    hi just want to introduce myself im new member here but have been reading the formums here for a while nothing but great advise keep up the awsome work
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    First time bubbleponics .. whats going on with my plants????

    Hi ppl , ive been reading a fair bit on this site its become my bible lol But i want to be sure on this as i cant get clones so I hope someone can help me out.. this my 1st time using bubble ponic method, the clones i got i had to re vedge from lil budds but i managed to do it , i have got a...