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  1. S

    Is this any good for getting rid of smells???

    To put bluntly, no. An air purifier does not filter the air, for that you would need an air filter (hepa filter etc.). Sometimes a car air freshener can help reduce how noticeable the smell is but any marijuana knowledgeable person will notice the smell even if its faint. A good idea would be to...
  2. S

    First Indoor Grow

    It might be easier to germinate outside of soil, this gives the seeds a better chance of popping open without getting killed by mold first(seeing the plastic bags, the moisture would make mold growth very easy). Also lighting isnt always necessary to germinate seeds, once a root forms the...
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    Help Please

    Hopefully your soil is fertilized and not just sand, usually stunted growth could be disease, soil problems (pH issues) or underwatering. Check the soil to see if its damp, check the plants for signs of disease or parasites (mites,grubs, root worm etc.). Also you might have placed the sativa in...
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    over water or to much heat?

    Clearly your plants are dehydrated, the leaves are sticking upwards and the soil surface appears completely dessicated, a fully watered plant will have leaves that droop slightly. When the plants are seedlings you only need about 2 cups of water for the first week, but if the light drys the soil...
  5. S

    Need input. First Grow. Yield

    Seeing the size of the fan leaves and the way the protrude from the stem, it is likely this is a sative strain and will grow tall and skinny, at about 3 feet if you top it you will still get a good bit of bud and plenty of fan leaves to attempt cloning with. Cloning is pretty straight...
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    What does this look like! Help, pics inside!

    Remember, its just a plant. Water it every other day, and dont worry about nutrients. Once you get down how to grow it and possible cloning, you can experiment with nutrients and learn how what too much and too little of everything will affect your plants output.
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    Easyryder help needed. Sick? Ready?

    Also if your using fertilizers I suggest reducing the amount you add by half, I noticed that leaves not directly next to the lamp are burned which indicates too much fertilizer.
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    Easyryder help needed. Sick? Ready?

    The plant clearly has some serious light damage, bring the lamps 5 inches to a foot away, give it a week, and if its still burning move it another 5 inches. Also change to an 11 hour light cycle, this will tell the plant it really needs to hurry budding up and should start producing trichomes...
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    Plant Problem W/DETAILS! Help Please!

    Also you could be over fertilizing which is a very common factor in "droopy leaf syndrome". Switch your fertilizing amount to half or even 1/4 of what your currently using, if you dont see any change in 3-9 days then it could be a sickness rather then deficiency.
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    Plant Problem W/DETAILS! Help Please!

    Most plants usually do better in slight basic environments, marijuana in its native environment grows in soil that contains small amounts of limestone, etc. giving the soil a natural source of calcium. Normally I would suggest just buying some calcium phosphate either online or at a nursery...
  11. S

    What the shit is going on?!

    WAY too much water, if you have large droplets beading up on fan leaves you should use a lot less h20, remember weed isnt from the rainforest its from the mountains of Asia. Better drainage (add 10% sand or pearlite to your soil mix) and increased air flow will help, also you could diagnose that...
  12. S

    Hempy grow, going out of town?

    The most effecient and cost effective method would be to use an automated electric watering device, which usually run for 70 bucks (amazon, hydro hobby shops, etc.) but you can also use "aqua globes" for around 6-15 dollars. The globes are glass bulbs that hold water and release it drip by drip...