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  1. D

    First Grow 300 Watt LED Fire OG Kush

    and i have to admit..yours is further along than mine was at the same day... i just can't figure what else it could be..i've got 14 plants under those 2 lights and none of them look good....if you get full size buds i'm gonna be baffled..
  2. D

    First Grow 300 Watt LED Fire OG Kush

    $100 for og clones? Jesus i would quit growing and just sell clones... I got that strain too, but its real tall.. it stretches a couple feet as soon as it goes into bud.. Most guys i know dont care to grow it even though its so good when finished..but if you start it early it could cut down veg...
  3. D

    First Grow 300 Watt LED Fire OG Kush

    i dont know anything about how to operate this site but i'll try to figure out..Dude i put a side by side comparison of the same plant on my journal.. The big one is from my other room.. All conditions are equal except its been in bud about 10 days longer... The LED one (sad one) is supposed to...
  4. D

    First Grow 300 Watt LED Fire OG Kush

    I use advanced nutes.. And use additional organic and Nirvana.. I've used the same strain for 2 years.. In the room right beside it under 400s everything is normal.. Is used the same strain, nutes, soil, everything.. Only difference is light. I also supplemented my LED with co2..I'm tellin ya...
  5. D

    First Grow 300 Watt LED Fire OG Kush

    i wish you the best bud...have you ever used LED before? i'm 3 weeks in with the magnums...i've lost my faith on everything i see on this site..but if theres a way LED works.. I'd like to see it.. But i think i lit my $1500 on fire.. I'm gonna check back and hope everything goes good for ya..I...
  6. D

    9 Purple Kush under 360 watts of LED. Dunit 2nd LED Grow

    thanks Dunit..i'm hoping...i truly hope it works.. i'd love to get rid of my 400's.. i dont get quite a 1/2 right now per 400.. so if i can hit that easy with 360watts, i'll be switching right over.. i'm gonna try to put a journal together but i am very new at the internet growing.. peace...
  7. D

    9 Purple Kush under 360 watts of LED. Dunit 2nd LED Grow

    i hope thats not the case cause i'm gonna try it for myself.. i started today and i'm gonna try to do a journal..but if its shit i'll let people know its shit.. but i'm hoping i didnt just light my $1500 on fire
  8. D

    9 Purple Kush under 360 watts of LED. Dunit 2nd LED Grow

    i hate to sound uneduacated but there isnt any real exact specs on the wavelengths that come on those lights.. The website says 11 wavelengths but what are they? I just recieved 2 of those lights and put 4, 3ft tall GC's under one and 10 little 1ft's under the other. I want to do a little...
  9. D

    Hempstar 3 Stage LED Grow

    CO2.. for a small grow yeast and sugar does work but you need to be careful it can attract bugs and bugs are a constant battle for most growers. Bottled CO2 is expensive and you need to find a gas store that rents bottles and the timer and regulators are pricey and probly not worth it for what...
  10. D

    Hempstar 3 Stage LED Grow

    I was wondering too, do you think a large part of success with LED is related to using LED in veg for shorter node distances? So would you get less using HID veg and LED bud? I realize its more cost efficient to use LED for veg because of 18/6 but 75% of my hydro is used for flower. Thanks for...
  11. D

    Hempstar 3 Stage LED Grow

    i really appreciate your advice.. Such a huge investment..Hopefully this is the beginning of the end for HPS. I'm sure there's tons of people following this thread good luck and cant wait for your totals...take care and all the best
  12. D

    Hempstar 3 Stage LED Grow

    oh and can you throw in a beer bottle or something in your pics to show scale? PS if you have a chance to get GC (green crack) clones do it up 45days and is top notch. But PK is totally solid. i also have a buddy who kicks ass with Diesel (original)
  13. D

    Hempstar 3 Stage LED Grow

    Dunit; you've done a fantastic journal. I feel as a fellow canadian i can trust you. I've been growing for a few years and depending on strain but with 400 hps's i avg 0.5gpw. I hear everyone bullshit on these forums talking about 2lbs per 400 and i know its lies or maybe because they only...