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  1. M

    R+: Stages of Flowering

    You guys are great. Almost all my questions answered. I have one more. I have heard of withholding water, which scares me, and lowering the RH and temperature to help finish, also reducing the lights to 10 out of 24 and then one day 24 hour dark. The question is should I do these things and if...
  2. M

    Dense Ripe Buds

    So when would I do this? After I see lots of brown hairs, cloudy trichomes, and such, or before? As I said, I do not know if I have one week left or six. Next time I will but this is my first full harvest. When do I cut hours?
  3. M

    Dense Ripe Buds

    not looking to flavor it. It's the first batch of this stuff and I don't know it's base flavor. I did add molasses to chealate the nutes. I want longer light for now to promote growth until I am within one week, then I will cut it.
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    Dense Ripe Buds

    I am not sure how long I have got because I don't have the start date, the flower triggers, or the flower time. I can assume the trigger light is about 12/12 because the clones in the greenhouse were budding even with my neighbors yard lights interrupting. I got these Wild Thailand clones in...
  5. M

    Dense Ripe Buds

    I have a crop nearing harvest. It shows lots of trichomes, like snow, still clear but I want this crop to “be all it can be” and would like suggestions on how to make the buds more dense and the best way to ripen them. If I can make the buds more dense this batch may have NBB (nothing but...
  6. M

    Is this right?

    What I can see without the magnification is a frost like effect on the buds, the hairs, and the part of the leaves close to the bud because I am old and my glasses suck. I am planning to get a usb camera magnifier. With that I will be able to show you, but not now.
  7. M

    Is this right?

    Hi, I have lots of buds forming on some Wild Thailand and am a little concerned. I have heard lots of talk of odor, and my minimally successful greenhouse grow had some odor, but these have nearly no odor. There is a very week hint of a bud odor just starting. These plants are getting heavy with...
  8. M

    Space Question

    Hi, Thanks for the response. I am legal and want to stay that way so I can currently grow only 6 mature plants and 6 more in clone/veg. My plan is to grow wide plants by training and have those plants fill 40 sq. ft. That can, when I get it right, produce 40 ounces about every 4-5 months. My...
  9. M

    Space Question

    Hello all. I am nearing harvest on my first serious grow.:mrgreen: It is working so well I want to set up properly for the next. To do that I need some information form those of you who have done this several times. The how I pretty much have and just need to practice, and I have the equipment...
  10. M

    Mister Timing?

    I have been reading A LOT about aero and have started a grow. This is actually my third aero grow, but the first had to be saved with a NFT dripper, and the second didn't get enough mist. Now I seem to have the other problem. My clones are still alive, but not much new roots and the medium...
  11. M

    Real world Hi-Pressure Aeroponics

    Hi Guys. Lots of good information here. The too much/too little mist problem bothers me and I do not yet see a definitive answer. Maybe I just missed it. For a plant that can grow 4.5' tall and 2-2 1/2' diameter above with a root space of 2'X2'X18" how many 55 micron,0.6 gallons per hour...
  12. M

    Hi epixbud, I saw your post on the DIY cloner, veg, and flower boxes and wondered if there is...

    Hi epixbud, I saw your post on the DIY cloner, veg, and flower boxes and wondered if there is any reason you couldn't, and I already know it's a waste of space, take a cutting and put it in an aeroponic tub sized for a full size plant and by adjusting parameters clone it, veg it, and flower it...
  13. M

    True High Pressure Aeroponic DIY Setup Or Commercial System..

    Finally!! I have been hunting all over for someone with this kind of info. I have some questions, but first info. on my system. I am setting up a medium to low pressure aeroponic with nozzles that are supposed to produce 50-55 micron droplets. I have created a root zone trough that is 22" wide...
  14. M

    Legal Question

    No. It is not. The law states that you have to be a caregiver. There was a ruling that a caregiver must not be a caregiver just for MMJ. The intent is to limit this to family and nurses. Your best bet is to form or join a non-profit collective or cooperative. Then, as a member, you can...