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  1. H

    airoponic cloning

    I have 6 clones in an aero ponic cloner called the baby maker by TX hydroponics. 20 days clones look good still no roots. I have them in the mom box worth a 150 hps. I dipped the ends in rooting solution cut everything correctly. I have cloned in rock wool before with no problems. How long could...
  2. H

    Under curled leaves brown stem on seedling

    It's not the first two leaves. But don't worry I figured it out
  3. H

    Under curled leaves brown stem on seedling

    Ok I have two plants growing they are one week apart. The oldest is very healthy and doing fine, the younger however is not. It has the two center leaves curled under and a brownish purple stem. I sprouted the two in the same pot. On Sunday I transplanted them into their own pot. I am using...
  4. H

    Welcome New Members!

    Well I quess I'm the noob of all noobs. Just sprouted my first plant three days ago. I found myself extremely intreqed as it grew so I have been reading ever since it poked it's little head up. I have decided to build a large grow box and play with some schwag seeds for the first crop then get...