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  1. K

    Need help with digital ph meter

    This is going to be my first hydro grow ... I just got my ph meter in the mail , I got a Milwaukee ph600 if anyone has used this it would be great for some reviews . Also , I've tried to do some research on how to store the meter . Some say u can use tap water and some say not to and use only...
  2. K

    Dwc help needed

    I am starting a dwc system ... i use a bubble cloner , after the cuttings have rooted , do I place them right into the hydroton or should it be placed in Rockwool or what ? Any input would greatly help
  3. K

    DWC Water temp ??

    What would the lowest temp i could have my water inside my dwc ? I know about 68 is recommended ... im looking for the coolest temp the water can be , without hurting the plants ? I tired to google , but i cant find an answer ... only the recommended temps
  4. K

    Cloning question .. Please help

    I currently use a bubble cloner for my clones , but I'm wondering if its possible for me to take a cutting and place it in hydroton in a dwc bucket and have it root ... ? I'm guessing it would work but would love some input from anyone who has tried or knows if it will be a fail or not
  5. K

    DWC Question , Please help

    Im very new to hydroponics all together, so please forgive me for a dumb question , but what should my PH level stay between in a DWC system ? Does it differ for veg and flower? Also , could you please give advice for nutes on my new DWC ? Ive used Biobizz in my previous soil grows , but ive...
  6. K

    DWC System - I Need help please !

    M420 - Mine is submersible
  7. K

    DWC System - I Need help please !

    Rooby , i just googled it and i kinda get what your saying . Never thought of a drip system , nor do i know how one works ... would you care to help me out and explain how to hook one up and what i would need to do so? I see what you mean by my tubes becoming returns tho
  8. K

    DWC System - I Need help please !

    M420 - Im not sure what your saying ? My pump didnt come with a nipple adapter :\ . Rooby - What exactly is a hyrdoport ?
  9. K

    DWC System - I Need help please !

    Or .... what about taking the hose that connects the pump the the res. bucket (on the inside) , and poking holes in it? Think this could be a way to sort of control how much gets pumped into the first bucket?
  10. K

    DWC System - I Need help please !

    No sir no dial , one speed :( . What about having a smaller input hose (From the pump) to the buckets? That way the output would be larger hose than the input from the pump?
  11. K

    DWC System - I Need help please !

    So your saying to drill another hole in the buckets and run the pump into those? Bad thing is i bought all the 1/2 Grommets and tubing :( . Was hoping to make this work with this tubing , as for the smaller pump .. this could work too. An idea i had was to drill 1/4 holes at the top of the...
  12. K

    DWC System - I Need help please !

    Ive recently decided to go from soil to a DWC system. Im now having a problem , i kind of made a DWC , Ebb & Flow hybrid. I Dont have pictures right now , so ill do my best to explain my system. Its a 6 bucket system , with 1 res. (Nute bucket or whatever you wanna call it) . I have 2 sets of...
  13. K

    Scrog Question ... Need Advice please

    Im currently on my first Scrog grow, and have a few questions. Do i trim all the fan leaves above the screen ?? When do i cut off the lower bud sites that will not reach the top?? Really ... Any Advice or Tips/Hints would be great , Thanks everyone
  14. K

    Bubble Cloner ... Transplanting to soil , Need Some ADVICE Please

    How long do i need to let my roots grow in my bubble cloner before i put them into soil? Can i place them as soon as the roots show ( just a few little roots off it) ?? Or do i need to wait until they are a certain length ? Ive tried searching for my answer but cannot seem to do so. Any adivce...
  15. K

    Need help picking strains ... Advice needed please

    Then why take the time to post ... But thanks to all the other helpful folks .. who dont mind helping out
  16. K

    Need help picking strains ... Advice needed please

    Looking for a few nice , high yielding ...short flowering strains . Any advice ?? Thanks
  17. K

    Veg Question ... Please HELP

    Anyone ?? They are about 1 Liter pots
  18. K

    Veg Question ... Please HELP

    Okay , well im building a veg box . Im going to be vegging my ladies to about 10-12 Inch's. Just wondering what would be the best size pots for vegging them 10-12 in. I currently have 5 inch pots ( 5 inch deep too) . Would these be fine to veg in to the height i want without becoming root bound...