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  1. X

    Cooling Issues, Think need redesign ?

    Just an update. I disconnected the long exhaust ducting from the fan leading out. And this have dropped my temps by 4.6c, pretty amazed, makes sense NOW ;) , but just never thought of the simple things, just thought it had to be an overly complex solution to a fairly straight forward problem...
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    Cooling Issues, Think need redesign ?

    I've been reading about and think i might have stumbled onto my possible problem. I have quiet a bit of ducting, all the ducting leading to the fans is fairly short <2m, except the exhaust from the lights that is about 3m. But after the fans the exhaust is ducted with about 10m, remember that...
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    Cooling Issues, Think need redesign ?

    Bud Grauer: Thanks for the info, very much appreciated. I am aware that maybe there is too much light due to heat output, and i have turned them down to 75% (440w) the majority of the time. But i have noticed a big difference when it has been able to be on 100% (600w) for each bulb for a few...
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    Cooling Issues, Think need redesign ?

    Bud Grauer - Hi, But wouldn't it mean that i will get a big reduction in yield ?, as im reducing the amount of light by 50% ?. My ballast is dimmable, so i could run each bulb at either 300w(50%),450w(75%),600w(100%),660w(boost). I've only ever ran them before at either 75% or 100%. Would you...
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    Cooling Issues, Think need redesign ?

    Thanks guys for the information. I was thinking of maybe dedicating the INTAKE box fan for just the cold air feed into the tent instead of y-piecing it off and feeding half through the lights and the other half into the tent. But i had a similar setup to that only 2 months ago, and changed it to...
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    Cooling Issues, Think need redesign ?

    Hi ALL, I seem to be having problems with heat and trying to cool the tent down. I've listed the specs below for reference, but i can't see why i have heat issues ? ** Spec ** Tent - 160cm(L)x80cm(D)x160cm(H) Fans - 2 x 6" 1000m³/h Box Fans (Intake - From almost outside cold feed in (CF...
  7. X

    A Little Problem ;)

    Just wanted to update, the two big leaves seem to have got worse, and are pointing up now. Lastnight i changed the whole water with fresh added the nutrients and got the pH to about 6 pH. Also noticed these white marks on the hydrotons ?
  8. X

    A Little Problem ;)

    Thanks r8rdrew loquacious I made the mistake of giving the leaves a little spray, before taking the picutres ;)
  9. X

    A Little Problem ;)

    Hi ALL, I seem to have a bit of a problem. This is my very first time grow, so please me gently if the problem is VERY obvious or i'm just being a Muppet ;). I have a single plant in a IWS Oxy-Pot, she has 2 x 40w 6500K (Blue) CFL's and a 80w LED (Red/Blue). I'm currently using IONIC Grow...
  10. X

    do lady bugs eat your crop ?

    I don't think they do, but i'm a new to most of this, but asked around and all said no, but best wait until someone with more experience answers, only because i have 1-2 Black with Red Spotted Ladybirds on mine.