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  1. M

    Tip of leaves turning yellow,,,,help! (PIC)

    Hey i use miracle grow im my set up, but my leaves tips are starting to turn yellow, im talking the very tip tip of the leaves but just about everyone has it cept for the new growths but usually they get it too. Any good Soil brands i should switch too? im under a budget so keep that in mind...
  2. M

    over fert, dont know much please help

    I think so, i would have to double check to get a specific exact ammount, The fertilizer can in these pinkish granuels there was prob like 6 or less in each plant when i put it on, It was the kind of fertilzer you put on top of a plant then water to get it in. I dont know much about anything so...
  3. M

    over fert, dont know much please help

    Oh and yes i used MG grow for all my plants, i have 9 and 6 of them had over fertilization issues while contrair the others thrived even though there all about the same age.
  4. M

    over fert, dont know much please help

    I flushed my plants last night, but i hear HPS bulbs encourage root growth should i use that one for a few days till they recover? and how long do you guys figure it would take them to return to normal growth? ill get pics i just gotta borrow a buddys camera. Ps. im not rich.
  5. M

    over fert, dont know much please help

    I started to grow my dutch passion shamam and i thought it would be a bright idea to add some nutrients. being a dumbass i bought this stuff at home depot called viagora, i used the smallest ammount i thought wouldnt hurt my plant like 1/4 of a table spoon, days after all my plants beside the 2...
  6. M

    Over-fert Nitrogen Problem

    Hey im new to this website and i seem to have the same problem, I over fertilized my babies and they got burnt in various degrees, one being very bad and the others pretty mild. I was wondering I flushed my plants with about 5 - 6 gallons cuse there in a gallon pot today, do i need to re do the...