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  1. Trent1080

    Fan sizing issue

    I have a 72 x 30 x 20 inch cabinet. I was planning on using a 12 x 4 Phat filter or equivalent rated for 200 cfm. The problem is the fan. I was going to buy this.
  2. Trent1080

    Fan sizing issue

    I have a 72 x 30 x 20 inch cabinet. I was planning on using a 12 x 4 Phat filter or equivalent rated for 200 cfm. The problem is the fan. I was going to buy this.
  3. Trent1080

    Which LED is Best? Check it Out!

    Old thread, but I'd thought I'd comment. I would recommend the GLH Spectra. If you search the forums for a user called irishboy he uses these lights with great success. I'm considering using LEDs over HPS just to reduce money spent on cooling. That and I will have a smaller grow space.
  4. Trent1080

    Grow Setup Round 2

    Do you have any recommendations for a fan? CFM?
  5. Trent1080

    Grow Setup Round 2

    I started off with a PC grow, which was a learning experience, but it is time for the real deal. After much deliberation this is what I have planned for my current setup. I am looking to have a stealth setup in my room that will provide at least a quarter pound per harvest. Opinions, advice...
  6. Trent1080

    1st Grow: PC Case

    Lol, yeah I thought the same when I took the pics. I had to keep taking off the lower branches because they were dieing. Thankfully there is visible growth beneath the palm frons now!
  7. Trent1080

    1st Grow: PC Case

    Update: I changed the water and lined the outside completely with tinfoil only leaving enough space for the stems and air hose to come out. I removed as much algae covered perlite as possible and washed all the surfaces. I just put in tap water not letting the chlorine evaporate out in the hopes...
  8. Trent1080

    1st Grow: PC Case

    Hey thanks alot Banditt. Appreciate the advice; +rep for you. I just need to keep these babies alive until I get my bigger setup and some time. Screw finals! I definitely plan on doing it right with my bigger setup. I've grown numerous things in hydro with no problems; but trying to do...
  9. Trent1080

    Hydroponic Problem?

    Please take a look at my latest post. Any advice will be appreciated.
  10. Trent1080

    1st Grow: PC Case

    Basically I'm done with soil; however I figured out what was wrong in my previous post. My plants needed to be repotted; without space to further expand the root system they halted all growth. Either way I crafted up a mini hydro setup using tupperware and an aquarium pump. My plants are now...
  11. Trent1080

    1st Grow: PC Case

    Alright my plants are now a whopping 5 weeks old and since my last post it has been all down hill. Here's what they look like now: They look alot better than they did. They all had purple tips on the ends of the leaves. I will prune off the dead as soon as I'm done. I located the...
  12. Trent1080

    1st Grow: PC Case

    Yeah I made the case myself. Took probably about 7 hrs total. Cutting all the mylar to fit snugly and pulling all the crap out of the case was what really took forever. That and dealing with my light issue! lol Was the brand of the furnace filter "Filter Fresh"? Where did you mount it on...
  13. Trent1080

    1st Grow: PC Case

    Well part of being a noob is all about learning, especially when you finish your first grow log, preview it, and accidentally close the page. :cry: FML Second draft.... This is my first grow and first journal to accompany it. I wanted to start small, learn the ropes, and then move on to...
  14. Trent1080

    No more B-52 from Nirvana?

    Hey guys I am planning on doing b-52 for my second grow. I was looking at big bud, but I don't feel like shelling out $130 for 10 seeds through attitude. Do you know any reputable sites that still sell b-52? Why did Nirvana stop selling it? Thanks.
  15. Trent1080

    Ganjaluvrs Drying & Curing Broken Down into Understandable English

    +Rep This is extremely useful! Thanks organic for life! Cleared up alot!
  16. Trent1080

    First grow help please! Hydro

    Uhhhhh... ok? So my first question is what type of system are you running? DWC, ebb and flow, aeroponics? I'm guessing ebb and flow by what you are describing. Pritty damn big setup for your first grow, but good luck to you. So nutrients.... as far as brands I use a concoction my local...
  17. Trent1080

    First harvest, not sure if it's ready (with pics)

    Time to buy a magnifying glass! lol Just playing, but seriously just throw down like $15 for a new one. No point in gambling over a month of work. If you have two magnifying glasses just put one and front of the other and adjust distances until it is in focus.
  18. Trent1080

    New grow(Round two!)

    @Shadowgrower1 You should make the CFL's adjustable so they can get within an inch of the plant. They need to be at least 3 in from the plant because beyond that range you have massive lumen loss. Do a search on what I'm talking about under the CFL subforum. You will end up with a better...
  19. Trent1080

    AK48 and Aurora Indica (Nirvana) 600w 4 weeks into veg

    552.8g but yeah Buddy Ganja made a typo somewhere. He prob ment to say 9.5 oz = 269.3g
  20. Trent1080

    First Grow Strain Recommendations

    Fair enough; I'll play it smart.