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    shocked from transplant

    Okay I have a plant that is shocked from a transplant. It lost some of it's rootball. What should I do? Will some fertilizer help??
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    I have to leave my plants in the dark....

    for a few hours think they'll be alright?
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    Should I raise my light?

    My plant has about ten leaves it's height has been the same pretty much throughout. The leaves are close to the soil. Should I raise my light?
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    Male Question

    I mean do they just start dropping seed alone without a female shit man I just don't know
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    Male Question

    Okay I'm broke and I'm out of seeds. If my two plants turn out to both be males would I be able to get seed from them so I could start over?
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    Let's say...

    okay the first time I watered was Monday. I watered again today. I used like a cap off the top of a bottle of water and gave each cup three caps full. Does this sound right? I also have a fan on them. I heard that the fan would simulate wind and make the stems stronger so they won't fall over...
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    Let's say...

    Okay one of my sprouts in my closet has a roundish leaf shriveled to about nothing but the rest of it looks fine. The other roundish leaf and the two pointy leaves look fine. Should I worry about this?
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    Let's say...

    yea just some seeds I collected from sacs I bought.
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    Let's say...

    idk I just know I'm bound to run into trouble. I'll keep you guys posted I really appreciate this forum.
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    Let's say...

    some of my cups are outside and two are in my closet under cfls
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    Let's say...

    dude I'm really hoping through the help of this forum I can get something going. I've tried before and failed. I think because of overwatering. (The leaves were drooped all the way down.)
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    Let's say...

    Okay I've got one sprouted up. It looks okay but one of the roundish leaves (u know) seems to be smaller and weaker looking than the other one. But the two pointy (u knnow) leaves seem fine. One more is sprouting up. You can still see the seed where hatched (?) or popped open whatever. I'm...
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    How do you smoke your weed?

    I use to have a few pieces and a bong but momma smashed them. Now I just roll uh spliff or a blunt. I like to get dem royal blunt junts.
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    Smoke Dat weed

    niga project pat murderers robbers da best mystic stylez lord infamous da mystical one niga
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    What Does Everyone Listen To?

    I love to smoke out to Three 6 Mafia Mystic Stylez and Smoked Out Loced Out. Koopsta Knicca. Uh Project Pat- Murderers and Robbers. Anything ghetto, Memphis, and 90's. Like Goldfinger, Nofx, The Clash, Tragedy, His Hero Is Gone. Alot of punk, hardcore, crust shit. Frankie Valli. The Fleetwoods...
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    I've been diagnosed with Bipolar 1 disorder. They claim I have had psychotic breaks that they attributed to marijuana. But I say it was the combo of Vyvanse and Marijuana that led me to my breakdowns. But really I just don't give a fuck. I stay full of holy dope whenever I can. Weed makes you...
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    Let's say...

    Okay sweet. One more question this one is a bit more odd. What if I had a cup in my car (I don't drive it.). It should get a lot of sun through the windows..idk let me know what you think. I gotta have my buds but I can't keep messing with deez headbustaz.
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    Let's say...

    I want to grow a really small plant so I keep it up in the cup I started with. Is it possible for it to flower? I don't care if the yield is very small. I've got these cups outdoors btw.