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  1. Cloner X

    Talking to your dog

    I take my fur-girl about everywhere. Unlike the human variety which has 9000 words or so a day to spew forth, she sits quietly, wags her tail and is a great listener. Not hard to make her happy and always excited to see you. Sometimes dogs are just the best company. But then again i talk...
  2. Cloner X

    The Retarded or Sculpted Plant Game

    Diggin the purple nugs! :hump: Just harvested a few bubblegum plants last night that were pretty damn colorful, too. Alas, i didn't get any pics at chop time tho. Yellow, purple and green with orange hairs. After trimming most of the purple off (sugar leaf) i'm hoping some will still show...
  3. Cloner X

    Guys you'd go gay for?

    Wow. Happy huntin, fellas.
  4. Cloner X

    30ish Yr old Columbian Gold Seed Sprouts. Do I Want it to be a Male or Female?

    Really? The ladies in my basement would have you recanting that after a 2-3 hours. And the no bake cookies they like to help out with in the kitchen...yeah, those would have you too confused to even remember the argument after 3, 4, 5 hours! LMAO Interesting thread. Sub'd.
  5. Cloner X

    Help plant has white mildew or Mold on the leaves

    If they are white, fuzzy spots appearing on top of the leaves, but not damaging all the way through the leaf (to the underside) then it is PM (powdery mildew). A very common issue for many growers. There are several things that can be done. There are the foliar applications such as the one...
  6. Cloner X

    Tafbang Ceiling Light Grow Part 2

    LMFAO! :clap: i need to go get a rag to wipe the coffee from my screen...bastid. :-P
  7. Cloner X

    Can someone tell me when is chop chop?

    Yep: indica-dominant. What'd i win? :-P
  8. Cloner X

    God and Free Will.

    I think you're making this more complicated than it actually is. One can grant free will, even when having the ability to understand the outcome w/o being a puppet master. How is God's knowing which decision you're going to make hindering your own free will? It's not. I give my children...
  9. Cloner X

    How Long should I flush ???

    I'm in coco and flush 10-14 days, so long as the plant is healthy. Longer flush leads to better flavor in the end, IMO.
  10. Cloner X

    Fuck Me Right?

    I've got 3 words of advice for yas: social management plan. Saves a lot of f'n headaches in life. :wall: Just my $.02 on that FWIW. :leaf:
  11. Cloner X

    Blackberry Kush,HOLY FUCK...

    Gotta love those holy grail experiences. Enjoy, brutha!
  12. Cloner X

    24/0 in Flowering to boost yield

    I've known some growers to use an extended dark period to 'jump start' flowering, but i've also watched side-by-side (or rather, back-to-back) grows which illustrated that the excessive stress didn't necessarily do anything wonderful for the final yield. In some cases you could actually wind up...
  13. Cloner X

    What Are Some Of Your Goals?:)

    Does 10 beautiful acres of peaceful green living bliss count? That was last year's goal for me. But i haven't built on it yet...i'll be clearing off a couple acres here in the next month or so. One step at a time! Now about that guitar and those notes... :bigjoint:
  14. Cloner X

    Trippy Music

    Fun to watch - that was a great idea for a vid.
  15. Cloner X

    How far to keep 1000w light away from conopy?? +rep

    If you run cooled hoods and have the proper ventilation in CFMs running thru them you can get them quite close. I have 2 - 1000 watt dual arcs in 8" vented hoods. My canopy is about a foot away from the glass. Some nugs are as close as 8" w/o burn. Trying to keep humidity under or around 50RH...
  16. Cloner X

    What Are Some Of Your Goals?:)

    I think i'm going to fast fwd to your 20+ yr goals - tomorrow morning. :mrgreen: Especially the playing music as much as possible. Time to dust off the guitar and bust out the napkins and other various scraps of paper that have fragments of this and that scribbled nearly illegibly and put a...
  17. Cloner X

    Trippy Music

    Plastikman is an old favorite. Also 1200 micrograms. Astral Projection - Kabalah Goa Gil - Pogo The Infinity Project - Feeling Weird Neelix...
  18. Cloner X

    California license plate 4hzt408 , can anyone look up license plates ?

    Although i do like chubby's ideas, i'm with the walk outside and have a chat crowd. Simply approach him and ask if there's anything you can help him with. Gives you a good excuse to get close enough to the car to look inside and see if you're dealing with a detective, private I or what. No...
  19. Cloner X

    Shrooms in Aus

    ^^^^ Yeah, that.
  20. Cloner X

    ph down

    Vinegar will work, yes. I have used rice vinegar in the past. The way i went about it was to dilute something like 10ml in 1/4 cup of water and then apply 2-3ml of the dilute solution at a time until you get a feel for the strength of its acidity.