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  1. C

    New Grower, Need a lil' help

    Oh yeah sorry I have Big bloom and tiger bloom for flowering. they should be ready to be watered by tomorrow morning, I want to show you some other pics though of the other plants because it seems to be over watered so I'm trying to let it dry out, but this plant is about half the moisture level...
  2. C

    New Grower, Need a lil' help

    Sorry for double post but I forgot about the temps. My temps during the day are right around 82 and at night they drop to around 75. I am running 24 hour light. I'll try to upload some more pics of my other plants a lil' later. Thanks for the input so far guys. I guess my next watering I will...
  3. C

    New Grower, Need a lil' help

    Thanks, well the thing is my PH meter that I got at lowes is a P.O.S. but I have been able to check the PH of the water, and it seems right on 7, and I've checked a few times and its just below so I think that's okay. I thought maybe overwatering at first because my other plants are kinda bowed...
  4. C

    New Grower, Need a lil' help

    Anyone? I may give them nutes today, but I want to just make sure, I can take more pictures if you guys need. Ha.
  5. C

    New Grower, Need a lil' help

    Well I've been told over and over again on this forum that FFoF is jam packed with nutrients. Ive transplanted less than a week ago. So can I get another opinion?
  6. C

    New Grower, Need a lil' help

    Hey guys I just started my first grow and just having a couple of issues. I should mention that when I started the grow I ended up having the light a little too close at first and it caused some heat stress and minor stretching, but I've fixed that and I'm on my way. I just transplanted a little...
  7. C

    silly (newbie)mistakes made,

    I'm still new to all this too, but honestly the best thing I've found is to go with the flow. Basically what the guy above me said about the height though.
  8. C

    FF Ocean Forest Growers. Add anything or not?

    11.95 for me. Doesn't seem expensive, I guess it depends on where you live too? Are you in a medical state? Fox Farm being known for growing they might jack the prices.
  9. C

    Quick Question

    I've just got my grow room setup and I got my seeds in the soil last night, I'm running a 600 watt lamp in a 3x4 closet. Later once things get rolling I'll be adding some supplemental cfls. It is a dimmable ballast/light so I have it on 75% power so it's running around 450 to 500 watts sounds...
  10. C

    Need help deciding a few things.

    Hello everyone, I am about to start my first grow and I have a few questions before I get started. I am going to be doing a closet grow in 2 seperate closets, For the veg room and the flower room the closets are both 3x4. I was planning on using a 120 watt LED accompanied by a few cfls and for...
  11. C

    Fan is Way Too Loud!

    This is what I plan on doing with my fan. It seems cheap and effective. Muffles the sound almost completely.