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  1. K

    How Dry Is Dry Enough To Jar Em Up? Help From The Old Timer Smokers Please...

    Dude wrap newspaper loosely around your stalks when you hang them up to dry and get the humidity to about 40-60%. And try and keep your fan directly from hitting the plants when drying. When the stem makes a snapping noise when you bend it. Then put in your jars to cure, removing the lid to see...
  2. K

    Big Difference in Bud Sizes 1 Month into Flowering?

    Dude if you got bagseed then its more than likely non stable plants, hence the reason why your getting such a wide variety pf pheno and genotypes. You should grow them out and start inbreeding them to stabilizr the strain so you will have a uniform garden which makes life a whole lot easier
  3. K

    Can Someone Help Me Please

    Dude i still dont know. I dont really agree with feeding them. At 4 to 5 weeks old you should barely be having your ppm at 300. I would still say flush them babies then give a mild nute solution dose. It cant do an more harm than what is done. But if you overfeed then they just keep getting...
  4. K

    Can Someone Help Me Please

    Hey first off flush that baby with no nutirents just plain ph water of 6.5ish. Flush with 2 gallons of water to 1 gallon of grow medium then releach with a very mild strength nute solution
  5. K

    30 Plant Grow Project

    awesome my dude. but there is no way those plants are only 1 week old. there fucking huge. ha let me know more man
  6. K

    PC grow box - My 1st ever

    what temp is your water and in hydro man it always seems to rise. But if you are using hydroton that could be a problem if you didnt dust and dry it properly. And anyways hydroton always makes ph rise if using a drip system. Other than that lower your ph to 5 initilly and that way it will raise...
  7. K

    Ph Problem

    What stage of growth is the marijuana plant in and for how long has it been in that stage?
  8. K

    Barneys Farm has Almost All Discontinued Product and Why?

    Does anyone know if barneys farm is shutting down? Because almost all of their seeds say dicontinued on the attitude site and also barneys farm website is different know and doesnt give you the option of looking at their strains or, for that fact purchasing their strains anymore
  9. K

    PC grow box - My 1st ever

    The only thing i really see as sort of problem is the brown leaf tip. Could be nute disored or really wet soil and a dry area
  10. K

    Need some advice ...

    Yeah dudes right to get the same height and consitency then you will havve to clone the healthiest lady you got. Otherwise you leaving that in the seed breeders hands. They usually have poor qualitys genes,
  11. K

    51 days into flower should i start to flush???

    Yeah dude pick up a 30x microscope from radio shack and when the triches turn like milky and amber color then harvest them ladies. Thats for peak harvest. Or if you just want to checkk to make sure at least 60 or so percent of the hairs have turned then that works also. And if using soil then...
  12. K

    Optimum Humidity Levels/Temps

    The best temp for vegging and flowering is 65-75 degrees. And humidity for veg is 60-70% but be sure not to go over 70% cause it can cause mold and bacteria to feed on. But for humidity in flowering you can lower it to the 40-60% range.
  13. K

    1st Grow 9x Euforia DP Recirculating DWC *PICS* Criticize and Advise PLEASE!

    How often are you dripping your plants? 24/7 or you have it set on a certain time schedule. Im starting my RDWC grow right now
  14. K

    advanced nutrient solutions comment

    Hello, Im growing using a RDWC system with 8 buckets and drip rings. Now For the seedling stage it calls for 300ppm. Now my question is If I keep my drip system on 24/7 at a slow drip do I need to only put a 1/6th of that solution in the reservoir which would be roughly 50 ppm. Heres what...
  15. K

    Top feed Recirculating DWC system opions?

    Well thanks for your time. I think i might just go ahead and do that. It will also aerate the water 24/7 that way. But have you noticed any root rot or can they become overwaterd that way? I have the nets sitting about 1 or 2 inches from the water. And plan on keeping the nets that far away from...
  16. K

    Top feed Recirculating DWC system opions?

    Would it be better to just leave the system running on a slow drip 24/7 or would you think a set schedule like maybe 4 times a day at 15 minute intervals would be more beneficial?
  17. K

    New Recirculationg DWC System on Ebay...

    I actually have a very similar system that included a 13 gallon reservoir and 8 gallon controller. So the overall reservoir was 21 gallons. It also had the 4 buckets and drip rings. Not to many people on this site seem to want to help on this subject. It seems to be worth it in every aspect
  18. K

    Water depth in RDWC system

    First off, I have a 21 gallon reservoir with 4 buckets attached. Yet Im only using two at the moment. Now does it really matter how far the water/nutrient solution in the bottom of the bucket is from the netting in the buckets which is holding my 2 inches of hydroton and rockwool cube which are...
  19. K

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    im using tap water with a ppm of approx. 240ppm. If the nutrientss call for 740ppm and my water is 240 ppm. should i add just 500ppm of solution?
  20. K

    Water and PPM

    Ok so, first let me tell you a little about my setup. I am using a RDWC 4 pc bucket system from general hydroponics. It has a 13 gallon reservoir and a 8 gallon controller that is sitting on the bottom of the 13 gallon main reservoir. 1) I am using tap water cause after paying nearly $300.00...