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  1. T

    Pyro's Vertical rdwc

    Not to hi-jack PurpleSticky's thread but... Wood and fasteners like PurpleSticky uses are probably less expensive and more versatile than making your supports with PVC. Adjustable spur and bracket shelf supports could perhaps be used as well; these would provide a means to tweak the height and...
  2. T

    Pyro's Vertical rdwc

    I've built a 40" long "oven" with a pair of long rollers to facilitate evenly heating enough 4" PVC to do 1/4 of a 4' diameter circle. I've also built a pair of jigs that interface together to "sandwich" the PVC into the quarter circle with enough straight pipe left to couple or otherwise join...
  3. T

    Mini Heath Flooded Tubes start to finish

    What a beautiful clean little op. I think that these little flooded tube systems are going to really take off. Did you have any problems keeping things cool in such a small space? What type of nutrients did you use? Looking forward to seeing round two!