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  1. PHRoG


    See, nothing to worry about. ;)
  2. PHRoG


    What's so shitty? LOL...That it takes a week and a half for a snail mailed package from Europe to arrive in the states? That's pretty typical. PHRoG
  3. PHRoG


    Hey Jason...Don't fret! I'm in the states and have ordered from them several times. They only ship twice a week, in transit means just that, they are in transit to be shipped. They don't just walk to the local post office and drop them off. They take them to various locations to aid in...
  4. PHRoG

    Aeroponics/DWC and Organic Teas

    This is pretty much the only info I have been able to dig up regarding aero and organic tea's. Source: The article is a bit dated ( 1998 ). In the article they state that they are using tea's in conjunction with mineral-salt based nutrients...
  5. PHRoG

    Aeroponics/DWC and Organic Teas

    Holy cow...The post has been indexed by Google already...woot! :weed:
  6. PHRoG

    Aeroponics/DWC and Organic Teas

    Hello again, long time no see...I'm about to start an Aeroponic/DWC grow (good ol' rubbermaid tubs ) and I have been very interested in doing organic grows for quite some time...I strongly believe it has a strong effect on taste, quality and smell. However, I'm a bit skittish as I know very...
  7. PHRoG

    Couldn't Pay For Elite membership

    Ditto, I would love to know approx what kind of donation you would like to see for a years worth of elite. ~PHRoG
  8. PHRoG

    Just made some canna-fudge...Should be interesting!

    Well it's time and I must say, quite tasty! You can BARELY even taste the canna butter. Ate one about an hour ago got a VERY mild buzz going on...About to eat a second. Even for such a mild buzz though, my chronic pain is greatly relieved! :joint:
  9. PHRoG

    Just made some canna-fudge...Should be interesting!

    Hehehe, that's the thing...Wasn't even high, just completely forgot. LOL
  10. PHRoG

    Just made some canna-fudge...Should be interesting!

    So, simmered my first-ever batch of canna butter yesterday for nearly 14 hours...I was also building the floor to the grow room. Needless to say, I was really moving along with the floor and I completely forgot about my butter. A first thought I believed I had burned the butter...Smoke coming...
  11. PHRoG

    air pump vs. o2 pump?

    No...DWC is aeroponics. They are normally self contained units. A rubbermaid tote works great. You fill em up about 3/4 way to the top with water and nutes, throw a pond pump (250gph or so) in there, build a PVC manifold (don't even need glue), screw in sprayers, get air pumps (not o2 pumps)...
  12. PHRoG

    Nirvana complaint

    I have had several friends order from them with no problem at all. However, my first order with them didn't make it to me either and I ordered about the same time you did. From what I read, often you will not even get a letter. Could be due to them being stolen anywhere along the line...
  13. PHRoG

    How often do you get bag seed?

    I can say I honestly have not found any bag seed for several years. It just doesn't exist here, LOL. I've looked and even asked as I initially wanted to use bag seed.
  14. PHRoG

    Some comments concerning Nirvana.

    Wow...hate much? bongsmilie
  15. PHRoG

    Nirvana order> help

    Hey Joker52, right now, yes. I questioned the same thing myself. To my understanding they are in the midst of updating their site. A preview can been seen when logging into your account. If you are worried, I suggest emailing them, here is the address: :joint:
  16. PHRoG

    Some comments concerning Nirvana.

    If I recall correctly, he stated that several people pointed it out to him. That thread in particular went spiraling out of control fast and became fairly popular. I did not read other threads where you have chewed on anyone, so I don't know how out of hand those got. I would assume this is...
  17. PHRoG

    Some comments concerning Nirvana.

    Yes, he did...Guess what? I've called some of my customers assholes to their faces as well. He's human, it happens. If you have moral quandaries with his actions, more power to you. I sure as hell am not going to let that effect my pocket book or my grow. They have good genes, I've seen it...
  18. PHRoG

    Some comments concerning Nirvana.

    Hello folks, So with the recent complaints about Nirvana, including mine from yesterday, I felt an update was needed. Yesterday, John was kind enough to personally respond to my thread and we have been in contact outside the forum. I can assure you John does, in fact, work for Nirvana. I am...
  19. PHRoG

    Starting to get worried about Nirvana here....

    Hello again John, Thanks you again for the response. I've sent the email to support and to your email that you posted in another thread (hope you don't mind, figured it might be easier for you to see it that way). I really appreciate you taking the time to personally look into this. Don't...
  20. PHRoG

    Starting to get worried about Nirvana here....

    Hey John, Thanks for replying. This says a lot about a company...Good things! I understand there is a *risk* involved with ordering, anyone who doesn't is insane. I'm not really here to "complain" but to just try and get information. However, I'm not positive on how the operation works nor...