Hey man are your autos flowering yet, mine are doing wierd things getting hairs but not stacking and some wanting to reveg which shouldn't happen with autos. I'm pissed I'm coming up on like my 6 month and about to toss them or bring them inside and 12/12 them see if they makes them bud.
I was...
Dude pretty much same thing for me
tAkes me like a hr start to
Finish sometimes a hr and a half ( I think I Can do more open tube blasting )
And I use a 5gal bucket to sit in so only 3-6 pounds of dry ice.
And I just scrape as much as I can and say screw it to it in the bottom crevice
Let me...
I just got the 1 lb unit from best value vacs, having trouble with my stuff coming out almost like that forever goo. I did some of my
Own trim and it
Came out good but for some reason my friends always comes out oily, idk if it's mystery oil of just
My friends stuff. My stuff came out a little...
anyone else plan on making it out to this thing this weekend? Iv never gone to any of the high times events so pretty excited. I heard from some of you on here it dosnt take too long
To make your way around all the booths I plan on going from like 3-8 today hopefully snag some seed packs and get...
Some of the autos loving some sun the other day. They all got a lot bigger then I expected like 4-5 footers now. Doing pretty good for a shady back yard.
im still kind of confused, so cool the recovery tank to 60-85, and I'm running passive so I don't think I can use the pump I have been just pulling a negative pressure on the tank to get it to recover the tane.
My question still is can I add a few cans somehow using a can tap or do I have to...
i did that can tap thing to fill my recovery tank and don't think I got enough in, so after a few runs I want to add some more how do I add more with out emptying out all the tane that's already in it.
I was thinking add a few before I recover back the tane after a run but then the tank would...