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    Hello Everybody

    hey what's up Weedassaurus, thanks for the welcome. No I've never had an account there, may have to chk it out.
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    Why are the bottom leafs of my 3.5 week old plants turning yellow???

    give em a little food(little) and a some cal mag for that extra bit of love
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    The Seed Collectors Thread

    heck yea BJ that there bud looks yummy, nice shot !
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    Ways of Knowing If Your Plants Are Ready To Harvest

    I hear the a jewelers loupe is the way to go if it hasn't been stated already
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    Advanced Marijuana Smoking : Laser Bong Smoking

    so ahh how many watts is u laser hmmmm........ joking, I could't help myself
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    TGA By Others

    Sup Subby love ur gear man thanks for keepin it dank!
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    Sup Broski ! good to see ya round hur, nice dank nugs ! :)
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    My House Got Raided Today.

    Damn I been there sorry to here it, hope u get things back on track and the garden asap, peace.
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    WHAT THE EFF?!! Check out this order from Attitude.

    never ordered form them but the seem to have a healthy amount of satisfied customers hope ur order gets sorted out
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    40 year old seeds

    Best of luck with them hope it some high quality dank for u to enjoy !
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    Hello Everybody

    Hey peeps I'm here to learn and share knowledge with the community. I'm on a couple boards so I recognize some friendly faces for sure. It's been a while since I've had a proper space to really work my magic lol but as things change for the better expect to see some dank from me. Anyway just...