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  1. T

    Moving to RI in a few months

    new caregiver, its been about 2 months. Im looking for some clones to get a harvest by January, before i head to hawaii for 2 months. I need to get some medicine for my gramps before i go. If anyone can help me out, reply or send me a message. Thanks for the help!!
  2. T

    whats that website for the 200 dollar UFOs?

    whats that website for the 200 dollar UFOs?
  3. T

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    I just got 4 cuttings of some medical buds, im still putting together a solar set up to grow them. My buddy gave me these cuttings in half a water bottle with some water. Whats the best way to store these cuttings and keep them alive, while i get my set up together?