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  1. H

    Should i remove some 6500k bulbs

    so does the ratio matter? like im going to add more 2700k bulbs but if i don't have more 2700k bulbs than 6500k bulbs should i take some of the 6500ks out?
  2. H

    Should i remove some 6500k bulbs

    should i move some of the 6500k bulbs when i start flowering or keep them and add 2700k bulbs. the 6500k bulbs i have are 45 watts and the 2700k are 23 watts. is there like a ratio of the different spectrums you need to encourage flowering or is it just good to have both?
  3. H

    Plant grown in window from bag seed

    wow awesome! i thought this was a bad plant. do you guys think this plant would work well to take clones from? i want to grow some more plants but i don't have any seeds at the moment.
  4. H

    Plant grown in window from bag seed

    I threw a seed in a tiny pot a while back and put it in my window and it kind of grew but its all scrawny now im buying some lights and i put it in a bigger pot im wondering whether its worth moving into my closet or if i should start fresh with better seeds. also is this a female? some guy told...
  5. H

    First grow - I have a few questions

    thanks a lot for the response. that ebay link is a great price i think im going to buy those. your grow is looking really good i hope mine turns out that well. im having trouble finding a hanging light fixture and a four way splitter like the one in your picture do you recall what you searched...
  6. H

    First grow - I have a few questions

    Im looking to start my first closet grow this month and i've decided cfls might be the best option for me. I have read all the stickys in the cfl forum so hopefully this stuff hasn't already been answered. I am planning on growing 2 plants using 42 watt 6500k bulbs for the first stage and then...