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  1. S

    nail before harvest trick

    hy guys... let me say for all the posts i´ve read i can see that you're affraid of experiencing. these plants are really, really strong, so i was pretty sure they wouldn´t dye in two days in spite the conditions i was going to put them. however let me say that i havent noticed any difference...
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    nail before harvest trick

    i did it. i shall post some pics later :) it looks like jesus christ
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    How long do you think this a.m.s's have left? :)

    there they are :
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    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    here it goes, it maybe nothing special but it does looks goos to me
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    nail before harvest trick

    i´m going to give it a try in the last two days. im sure theres nothing to lose :)
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    white widow has no smell - 1 week into curing!

    try taking them out of the jars and give it some space and air. it´s very likely that in four to five days it´ll start to smell.then you can start the curing process again.
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    Very very Frosty, but is it ready?

    hi there. if you cut them now you´ll wast two months work, so relax and wait at least three more weeks, the final yeld will be the triple(at least), believe me. the only nutrient you´ll need now is patience. :) (and some water of course :) )
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    6 weeks of 8/9 into flowering looking very very good! what to do now?? data:image/gif

    thanks chonstantine. i had used molasses throughout all the flowering cycle so maybe it´s better if i water them with only water in the final two weeks don´t you think? once again, thank you very much
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    6 weeks of 8/9 into flowering looking very very good! what to do now?? data:image/gif

    A.M.S (anti-mold-system) or anti mofo squad (as it is known in portugal) is a strain extremely resistent to mold so i decided to give it a try and so far is growing really nice.i´ll try to post some photos.
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    I'd like your opinion

    if you cut them now they will dry into "nothing". be patiente and wait 3 to 4 weeks more.
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    6 weeks of 8/9 into flowering looking very very good! what to do now?? data:image/gif

    Hello Everyone!I'm new here so i'll keep it short... I have four A.M.S growing under 600watts HPS for over 6 weeks. i´m having an average of 30ºC and 52%humidity and have been feeding them with biobloom and a bit of melasse. My question is should I stop the biobloom and feed it only with...