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  1. M

    What to expect after correcting ph issues.

    Thanks for the replies. Some of the leaves took a pretty big hit and fried to a crisp and I pulled them off. Overall, the plant didn't turn completely yellow, just more of a yellow shading. You could definitely tell that something was wrong tho. Even if the plant doesn't return to its original...
  2. M

    What to expect after correcting ph issues.

    Had some major ph problems and most of the plant started yellowing. After making some changes, I can't tell if the plant is starting to return to a normal healthy green or if its just wishful thinking. I do know that the yellowing has stopped spreading, that I'm sure of. My question is, is it...
  3. M

    Ph issues.

    Anyone else have their tap water ph fluctuate drastically over the course of a year or so? I'm not talking about .3 or .5, I mean going from a low 6 to well over 8 in recent readings. I've got 4 or 5 solid grows under my belt using just regular ol tap water and recently its gotten to the point I...
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    Nebula Bud Question?

    Just finished this myself and it's one of my favorite smokes. Not sure why you wouldn't be able to get high from it.
  5. M

    7/7 Hermies :(

    That's a real bummer. I'm sorry to hear that they all went hermie on you. I've seen the questions you've asked debated quite a few times and I doubt you'll get everyone in 100% agreement here. IMO, light leaks absolutely can cause hermies. Some people swear that a light leak here or there wont...
  6. M

    Why Do Plants Pray?

    Yep, I see it all the time. This really is an easy question with a simple answer, but some of the answers people are coming up with are just down right silly. I wonder if they really believe what they're saying or if it's more about getting their post count up.
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    Why Do Plants Pray?

    I've had them do the same thing during veg when they weren't given any nutes. What makes you think it has to do with nutes? Honest question, I'd really like to know.
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    playing beethoven to my plants.

    Talking helps plants grow. plausible Seven small greenhouses were set up on the M5 Industries roof. Four were set up with stereos playing endlessly looping recordings (as having the Mythbusters actually talk to the plants could contaminate the samples with their expelled carbon dioxide)...
  9. M

    Why Do Plants Pray?

    Is this what you mean by respond in the same fashion to sunlight?
  10. M

    Why Do Plants Pray?

    Yeah, I'm a little confused myself here.
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    Why Do Plants Pray?

    Just because you haven't seen it yet doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It happens all the time.
  12. M

    Why Do Plants Pray?

    I'm curious as to why you think this only happens under natural sunlight. I'm running a 400w hps and I see it all the time.
  13. M

    Frustrated with droopy plants.

    Picked up some nutes and raised the night temps by a few degrees and the difference is quite amazing. LSD, then the Nebula on the left and Wappa on the bottom right. A quick thank you to the folks that helped. :joint:
  14. M

    Frustrated with droopy plants.

    Yeah, it seems the stems are purple on all 4 of them.
  15. M

    Frustrated with droopy plants.

    It's good to know that someone else has the same thing going on too. They are growing just fine and out growing the others that are with them. I'm always checking on them but I haven't noticed them perk or droop more at any particular time during the day yet. It's disheartening when you see...
  16. M

    Frustrated with droopy plants.

    I'll hit the shop tomorrow and pick up some nutes. I'd prefer to keep it simple and stick to a single bottle. Any recommendations?
  17. M

    Frustrated with droopy plants.

    I've got a cheap digital one that has no adjusters. I've got a fish tank ph test kit that requires drops and another kind that I can swirl in the water to match the color to the ph scale chart. I've got some 6.5 adjusted water ready to go right now.
  18. M

    Frustrated with droopy plants.

    I only water when the moisture meter says the soil is dry and the plants are light to lift. It just so turns out that the last couple of weeks that's been every 2 to 3 days. Here's the thing.. If they were over watered you would expect to see signs of improvement as the soil dried out. That's...
  19. M

    Frustrated with droopy plants.

    The tap water runs about 8.0 on my ph meters so I wanted to give distilled a shot. I'm going to go back to tap but I'll lower the ph to about 6.5-7.0 before I use it. I've got some big bloom and I'll start using it here pretty soon. When they were seedlings the ffof soil alone was showing signs...
  20. M

    Frustrated with droopy plants.

    Nope, they started off in jiffy tubes and then to small pots on to the 3 gallon smart pots here. They've been in the 3 gallon for a few weeks now at least. I have it written down but it's not near me.