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    6 PLANTS in closet/400hps

    more 12/12 day 25
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    6 PLANTS in closet/400hps

    day 25 12/12 i think there doing good:hump: the buds been filling up daily let me know what you think
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    3 gal. pots ok?? or should i repot

    hahah yeah i know now... im just gonna let them do there thing.... and feed em...:hump:
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    How much will i yield

    yeah i let them get too big for one 400 but im not gonna upgrade till i finish imma probably get 2 600 and go sog ... so will not adding extra light hurt my yield alot??
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    3 gal. pots ok?? or should i repot

    oh ok just checking bc they seem kinda slowed in growing and buds seem kinda small.... but i herd they really start to swell .. maybe im just being in patient
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    3 gal. pots ok?? or should i repot

    or should i be ok?? with the 3 gallon pots they are in now? because if it would be better it should be done sooner right? but i have seen much bigger plants in smaller buckets so i dont know what i wanna do... don't...
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    How much will i yield

    haha 0-3 oz.. that would be horrible ... i was hoping 8 oz... any suggestions on making them bud fatter??
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    My third time around with 600 watt hps

    looking good... what kind of nutes are u using ??? how big of pots? but looking way delicious
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    6 PLANTS in closet/400hps

    they are all in there own pot... only toped 2 of them once... they just grew to have all those tops.. yeah they were vegging for over a month but oh well to late to turn back now 1 hindu 1mk-ultra 2 chem and 2kush
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    6 PLANTS in closet/400hps

    nope no phing or anything just feeding every three days or so... they really haven't gotten that much taller since i started 12/12 are the buds looking right size for 20 days flowering??
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    How is my first grow doing??

    yeah first time grow, they doing ok?? for 20 days flowering?:blsmoke:
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    6 PLANTS in closet/400hps

    more day 20
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    6 PLANTS in closet/400hps

    thanx all.. pics are up day 20 let me know how there doing.. :blsmoke: more comin
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    Frist time grow

    yeah should be as long as u have lots of air moving.. maybe a fan blowing right on the light... just get a thermometer and you should be fine
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    Frist time grow

    using anything for fresh intake?? yeah smell in a apt is key. i have the luck that smell is no issue in the house
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    How much will i yield

    thanks bsi hope it works out like it says:blsmoke:
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    Frist time grow

    better safe than sorry.. i think yeah should be fine good luck.. how u venting the closet for the 400?? because it gets mighty hot in there with none
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    How much will i yield

    hahaha yeah thats was funny tho... using fox farm grow big tigerbloom and bigbloom fresh air coming from outside stays around 73-77 lights on and 65 lights off yeah a ballpark is all i was hopin for.. seeing what everyone else thinks im hopin at least 8 oz...
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    Frist time grow

    yeah might.... but DONT plants seeds directly into FFOF its hot soil with nutes might wait till there rooted
  20. D

    Cali's Kush Journal..19 Clones/2000 Watts.

    looking mighty tasty cali..