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  1. L

    20 days into grow and I need some advice

    Space is at a premium for me as its a stealth desk grow with the left side for keeping a mother and a few clones when needed, and the right side is my 200w cfl flowering room. So I think in a week I will put it into flower and find out what it is and then take it from there. Cheers for the help...
  2. L

    20 days into grow and I need some advice

    I started out with 5 Sannies KO Kush(non fem) they all germed fine but after that things went bad and I'm down to 1 plant now which looks great. I was looking to get 1 mother plant and then take 3-4 cuttings and flower the best 2 clones. Now I'm down to 1 plant and I'm betting its a male as it...
  3. L

    3/5 seedlings have no roots help please

    Cheers fellas thanks for the help
  4. L

    3/5 seedlings have no roots help please

    Lights are 2 35 w CFL 6400k and 1 24 w CFL 2700k, on a 18/6 light schedule. PH is 6.5 and since they are only 9 days I have given them no nutes and I will post a pic later when lights come on.
  5. L

    3/5 seedlings have no roots help please

    I'm on day 9 when I planted my seeds and put them in rapid rooters. 2/5 have great roots showing through the bottom and sides of the rapid rooters. The other 3 I checked today and they have very little roots at all and they don't seem healthy. Does anyone have any advice? I will post a pic when...
  6. L

    propagation help

    Just started a micro grow and had 5 Sannies KO Kush all germinate with in 36 hours, and then I popped them into rapid rooters. They are now 5 days old in the rapid rooters and they are all about 1 1/2" tall. When should I remove them from the propagation chamber and put the lights(2 35 w CFLs)...