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    Fan leaves

    all of our fan leaves are falling. It is only in the 6th week of flowering. Any suggestions? Is this normal?
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    i have a grow space about 3/5 how big of light can i get and get the best results:hump:
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    can you have too much light?

    thank u for all your help i just put more ext fans in to remove heat
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    Best way to cut holes in my rubbermaid?

    you can heat up a box cutter blade and just be care full and go slow
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    can you have too much light?

    same as title
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    whats mean when leaf turn up

    same as title
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    first hyro grow

    ooooooooooh no help mr wizard
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    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    My sprouts are in rockwell and the are dark and thicker at the but at the bottom it is skinnier and lighter. Why? Using regular 20w flourescant bulbs 2 inches away. Iam using tooth picks to prop them. the question is what can I do to solve these problems> The other 2 are fine. the fans are...
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    first hyro grow

    my sprout is falling over the stem has a dark color at the base has no color and small what can i do:o
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    a quick question

    Why would a stem on one of my sprouts be bigger at the top and skinnierr at the bottom?
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    a quick question

    I. Am not running. Water pump just watering the rockwell from the top just to keep wet I was asking if I could run my water pump all the time or should I wait in till the get bigger they are starting. To root
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    a quick question

    I have 2 week sprouts in rockwool in a bubbleponics setup, should I run the water pump or keep hand watering?
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    a quick question

    I hve 2 week sprouts in the bubbleponics, should I turn water pump on or keep watering from the top?
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    a quick question

    I have 2 week sprouts in a bubbleponics, should I run the water pump or keep watering from the top?
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    sprouts falling over

    Thanks for the help
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    sprouts falling over

    , 1 daylite 6500k, 1 cool white color 4100k, 1 warm white color 3000k. and all 3 are 400 watts. each one is 5000 lumens
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    I got a quick question

    I have sprouts in rockwool. Is purple stems normal? and how soon should I add nutrients? The sprouts are 2 wks old.:o
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    sprouts falling over

    total amount 6500k. 400w total between. 3. Clf lights
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    sprouts falling over

    I. Move. My light. Up. Do you think. They. Come. Back
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    sprouts falling over

    Yes I thought I might be. Over watering