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  1. L

    How Long Does It Take To Extract THC?

    thanks bro. Im not really concerned with whether its ready or not, I just made it for the hell of it friday night. taking some time off smoking to do exams. it'll be more than a week this coming friday since I've smoke so i should get a good buzz off of this. Do you recommend I heat it at...
  2. L

    How Long Does It Take To Extract THC?

    -i made a firecracker (i think thats what its called) (two graham crackers with nutella and weed in the middle) -made it friday, it has been sitting ever since -i have heard that heating is not necessary for thc extraction, it simply speeds up the process -how long does it take to...
  3. L

    How Strong Is The Smell While Baking?

    bump. I also want info on this, i want to make cookies.