Search results

  1. D

    New 2010: Best led grow lights on the market: Urban grower

    Ha Ha Hahahaha You are making LED's more credible as you speak By sprouting all this bullshit, LED vendors have scammed a minority but severely undermined all of their credibility.Smaller yields, ludicrous prices and suspiciously short warranties tell me one thing about these LED's... stay...
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    Na.. most have shut down. Still looking.

    Na.. most have shut down. Still looking.
  3. D

    LED Grow #2 Blackstar & Pro grow 8 ball kush Pinapple Chunk NL#5 Blue Widow Blue Hash

    Hydrogen peroxide is pretty useful though isnt it? If it is, I wouldn't let an "organic" mindset stop you from using it, that's just a little bit silly. It's simply a water molecule with an extra oxygen atom on it, which makes it a great source of oxygen and a very safe antibacterial liquid...
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    converting THC to its acetate makes it psychedelic

    This is not something that would be worth conducting, seriously. Acetyl chloride, benzene, and acetic anhydride? Where do you plan to get pure granulated CaCl2 for the dehydration process, or pure HCl acid? It's not a practical procedure for something that isn't on par with DMT or similar...
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    Vaporizer High Different - Not Sure I I Like It

    I'm glad that I dont have to use my chemistry bong (gas washing jar and cone lol) as it was irritating my lungs. I get a bit of asthma, so it's much better than I'm only inhaling hot air with harmless vapours.
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    Vaporizer High Different - Not Sure I I Like It

    Guys... regarding cheap vapes, how many of you have ACTUALLY cracked one open and looked at the interior? How many of you have ACTUALLY looked at the components, and determined to a sufficient degree that they are suitable or unsuitable? I bet that none of you actually have. The thermostat might...
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    Heat gun vape for $70US? yes please

    Yeah sadly that pic tutorial I made on paint was a bit too big.. 6mb too big... what are your guys thoughts on this almighty weapon?
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    Heat gun vape for $70US? yes please

    Alright guys, this is my vape. Hopefully the attached image will come out nicely. It's made from a bosch heat gun with variable temp (50-650C in 10C incremements) and digital read out, three brass pipe fittings, some stainless steel automotive mesh and a glad ovenbag(rated for 200C) with twist...
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    ...and I hope our business relationship can be as mutually beneficial as possible.

    Yeah that's all good fellas. There are probably plenty of under 18's here that don't fuck with everyone. But hey, some still do. I'm considering growing in my attic, maybe two or three plants for personal use. You guys had any experience with discreet grow ops?
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    ...and I hope our business relationship can be as mutually beneficial as possible.

    Hey guys, I'm pretty new to marijuana, and I just thought I'd intro myself. From NZ, still in high, enjoy getting high, find that getting high is to my psyche as differentiation is to finding the gradient of a curve. I love growing things as well. My hobbies are growing herbs, a bit of tobacco...
  11. D

    Marijuana and Clinical Depression.

    I guess I'm still at the debating stage. It kind of intertwines itself with my aspirations for the future... Get good at trading financial markets -> make some serious wealth -> help fund cybernetics/bionics research; push for it in the government -> get bionic body -> no more depression -> sit...
  12. D

    Psychology + Pot Experimentation?

    Yeah this is interesting huh... It's such a shame that intelligent stoners are a minority. I wish you luck man, I think this stuff could be used to help many people. What is your knowledge on marijuana for treatment of depression?
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    Mildest Herbs For Smoking

    cool, i'll look into that mullein flowers stuff
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    Mildest Herbs For Smoking

    Hey guys, I was just wanting to know what some of the mildest herbs for inhalation are? I was hoping to use it in a type of herbal infusion, and I wanted something that wasn't going to make my lungs feel disgusting and that doesn't leave a horrible after-taste in my mouth/burning in my throat...
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    haha, na I think 100g might be a bit much. thanks for the offer though man!

    haha, na I think 100g might be a bit much. thanks for the offer though man!
  16. D

    I am appealing to you, one who clearly has a lot of experience and has the knowledge I seek...

    I am appealing to you, one who clearly has a lot of experience and has the knowledge I seek regarding this area. I have searched this website using google and I did not come up with any substantial results for jwh-250 suppliers, as sources are not discussed here. Google searches have given me...
  17. D

    but you replied to a insolent poster asking for jwh-018 sources and seemed to send him a pm with...

    but you replied to a insolent poster asking for jwh-018 sources and seemed to send him a pm with details of jwh-018 sources who swore at you quite a few times... how does that work? If you aren't going to hand out any sources, could you at least tell me anything you know about jwhoutlet's stock...
  18. D

    hey danger, just saw you recommending some sources of jwh compounds to people using pm's. would...

    hey danger, just saw you recommending some sources of jwh compounds to people using pm's. would it be too much to ask for you to suggest any suppliers who would ship jwh-250 or 81 to New Zealand? I've found quite a few suppliers, but not many of them sound legit and hardly any ship...
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    Substitute called "Kronic"

    fuckin A. I'd expect we have the highest marijuana consumption per capita, but not the highest total consumption in the world. everyone here knows someone who smokes weed. I am friends with 2-3 people who do it, and I dont even hang around many stoners. It's very much part of our culture. To...
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    JWH-018 Suppliers

    hey guys, just new to this forum and was wondering if you veterans would gimme a hand here... Like the original, slightly angry poster, I am also looking for a supplier of jwh, but jwh-250 instead of jwh-018. Google searches have returned 4-5 suppliers, but 2 of them dontt look legit, 2 dont...