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  1. R

    hey man im kinda tryin the same just with a grow box.

    hey man im kinda tryin the same just with a grow box.
  2. R

    0 veg time vs ?

    autoflower imo since you said OG's though, and i love me some og, 3 weeks veg at 24-18 hours, then switch to flower.
  3. R

    lake soil good for grow?

    It's going to be very small scale. I'm building a grow box cause its all personal meds.
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    lake soil good for grow?

    its basically a swamp not worried because i know the thing like the back of my hand. not a public lake 12 people allowed on it and i live on the clean end. this stuff freakin black too. It is highly fertile soil it is a swamp that has been converted into a lake and it very very nutrient...
  5. R

    lake soil good for grow?

    I'm looking to grow some auto's, and want to know if lake soil is good to grow with. i live right on a lake so it's easily accessible. I know alot about growing i was just curious. any input's cool
  6. R

    Anti depressants + mmj? drug interaction? Help please

    Little of both. im getting off of the pills and going for a straight life of cannabinoidal medication. might not have a card but hey this is still my medicine and it DOES work. better than those damn demon pills.
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    Growing Blue Dream from seed (also has to stay like 8" tall)

    here's the setup. it looks like trash and i hope it'll work. tin foil for reflecting light onto the plant. its a 100 watt CFL bulb ive also taken to making a larger grow box so she/he/it will have a little more head room and room to branch than just this little space. thanks Desr, Ktown, and...
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    Anti depressants + mmj? drug interaction? Help please

    Ive been on these so called "anti-depressants" for 5 years and im only 18. i havent had a bad side effects on the 6 different pills i've tried.
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    Growing Blue Dream from seed (also has to stay like 8" tall)

    Update: my seed is beginning to show the roots. they haven't fully emerged but from looking at the side i can see some white poking through. I will be trying LST and topping. ill keep everyone posted. :peace: :leaf:
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    Growing Blue Dream from seed (also has to stay like 8" tall)

    a plant has to attain a height of 6 inches to produce decent buds so im hopin this is going to work. a hermie wouldnt be so bad either.
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    Growing Blue Dream from seed (also has to stay like 8" tall)

    Seed is kind of a bag seed. i picked up a quarter of BD for $80 and its the only other seed that came from the oz.
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    Growing Blue Dream from seed (also has to stay like 8" tall)

    As you can see from the title i have a blue dream seed that i just started to germ today. I have about a 2 quart bowl ill be growing in (this is because roots determine height. At least i read that on a grow site.) I have everything set up in a 1x2x1 so it has to be really tiny. I will be...
  13. R

    Need some Advice on my growing

    I have started a very small scale grow and will be force flowering my plant.:leaf: Its under 100 watt cfl its already broken open and i can see embryonic leaves starting to form. It's pretty crude but id just like some advice its got 3 months worth of nutes and will only get 6 inches tall...