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  1. C

    Plush Berry Picture Thread

    This is a repost from My last Plush run but some good color shots.....
  2. C

    Plush Berry Picture Thread

    Well I chopped 3 of the 6 big buds off the magenta plush, more when its properly trimmed...:
  3. C

    Plush Berry Picture Thread

    Usually red/purple stems and yellowing leaves are the result of a nitrogen deficiency, and can happen to any strain. Cold can cause this to happen as well but normally starts turning the leaves red/purple, even black, along with the stem... The most unlikely thing to turn your plants purple is...
  4. C

    Plush Berry Picture Thread

    Hard to say exact start time as they started outside but was around August 15th so going on 70 or so days and the leaves are still all green and healthy and the buds keep swelling, and the trics are still about 25-35% clear on most of the plant so I'm gonna give it a while... I wanna see some...
  5. C

    Plush Berry Picture Thread

    Generally all the mutants I've seen from TGA Subcool are simply fan leaves that grow some extra blades from the center or even bud if you're lucky! One of my Plush Berrys had quite a few leaves with extra blades, but if you're getting bud from fan leaves I'd say it's a mutant worth breeding...
  6. C

    TGA By Others

    Huh, well that makes sense but doesn't seem to exclude an F1 designation... Maybe just as a easy way to let someone know it was self pollinated, but when I hear the term self pollinated I think feminized seeds... I could be completely off, but I try to be as accurate with terminology as I...
  7. C

    Plush Berry Picture Thread

    Not to be mean but it does sound like you are doing something wrong, possible overfeeding... If you read my whole post you'll see that I did in fact stress the crap out of all 5 seeds and had no issues... I did not however ever encounter a toxic stress scenario as they were never over nuted...
  8. C

    TGA By Others

    Well it is a filial relative to the mom so I think F1 applies but I have heard the term S1 before, I'll look into it and see if I'm using the wrong abreviation.... What does the S stand for?
  9. C

    Plush Berry Picture Thread

    My Plush is looking great with no hermis on three very different plants from the original 5 pack of seeds... I have stressed the crap out of em in a few ways so I think it's pretty solid genes in there.... Changed light cycles often and went outside with streetlights hitting it for the first...
  10. C

    TGA By Others

    Here are some recent pics of my magenta plush berry mom, already pulling lots of seeds from her, crossed with a colorful male that looked just like a female until the balls popped.... There are 6 main colas on this plant that are sensi and looking fat, F1 IBL seeds attained! popping them for...
  11. C

    TGA By Others

    Plush Berry These are in chronological order but much has been cut out, Just wanted to say Thanks to Subcool for such a beautiful strain! @ Subcool BTW I seem to have 3 different phenos, I thought there were only 2? Or is it 2 main phenos with others present?....
  12. C

    does my blue widow look done?

    many of the answers above are correct but they all forgot to mention that there is a window of harvest not just the right day. For instance if you do like the soaring highs of sativas you could harvest an indica right as 70-80% of the trichomes are milky looking under your scope, conversely if...
  13. C

    Do These look Ready to Harvest?

    You don't have to take the whole plant at once, take off what is mature, like the main cola and leave the rest to grow and mature a few days later.
  14. C

    Browning Pistils

    oops old tread... lol
  15. C

    Browning Pistils

    This is in regards to the browning pistils. This can happen very easily overnight if something is resting on the hairs (like a leaf) Is your plant bushy and compact? I LST most of my plants and see it all the time when they bush out and there is no problem with it at all. If you suspect...
  16. C


    I've never used that size before but if it is deeper than it is wide i wouldn't worry about cutting the bottom off. If you give it enough light you should be able to get at least a half ounce off of one plant... The reason I use such large containers (2.5 gal) is because these are all outside...
  17. C

    Cloning from Fan Leaves

    I know I'm adding to a huge thread but hoping someone sees this. There is a thread called the retarded or sculpted plant game where there is a person who has great pics of fan leaves producing bud at the intersection of the leaf! Check it out! If that can happen then I see no reason any part of...
  18. C


    Shit I'm forgetful today, was also going to say that the party cup method is great if you can get enough seeds cheaply. the math is this: one party cup at 16 ounces with a little spacing is about 4x4 inches. if you filled a space of about one yard full of 16 ounce cups you would have 81...
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    Forgot to say that if you use larger pots you will get more side bud growth from autos, whereas a small container will give you a bud on a stick with little or no branching...
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    I am not Disagreeing with most of your advice Oldreefer, but I have to say that planting in the main container with no transplant will help them out, even though they might not show signs of stunting right away if transplanted. If you study the root formation of autos you can see why...