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  1. Orphen

    pH, dolomite lime, and CoCo

    Most people who use dolomite lime in Coco is not to stabilize the Ph. I have heard many times it doing the opposite. The big reason most Coco growers use Dol Lime is help prevent/cure the Calcium deficiency Coco normally gets. Lol I think demanding a rep demands no rep at all. Just my...
  2. Orphen

    Snow White and The AK-48 1000Watt/CoCo

    YES! It's finally time for me to start my first grow journal :hump: I've read way too many and I've been itching to do my own. So Hi, my name is Orphen and this is my first grow. I will be using CoCo cause i'm coo coo for it.... :-| Well let me take you all through what I have done so...
  3. Orphen

    Ventilation Setup (With Pics)

    Lol nah, it makes perfect sense man. Obviously the page i have saved of Ventilation is a little off. The formula they gave me is LxWxH / 3 SO i sorta rounded up to 8x6x8 = 384/3 would give me 128. It then has me add 20% for carbon filter and 15% for uncooled HID, which if i did my math correctly...
  4. Orphen

    What Strain Has Highest Yield

    Nah dude it's real. You just got to fertilize it with unicorn piss :-P
  5. Orphen

    Ventilation Setup (With Pics)

    Was planning on vegging them for only 6 to 8 weeks. Would that still be in the range on only 2 plants? Also am I calculating CFM correctly? I was reading someones set up that was similar to mine but his fan was triple the CFM I calculated. THe method i read was LxWxH / 3 add 20% for carbon...
  6. Orphen

    Ventilation Setup (With Pics)

    Alright more question for all you veterans out there. Been contemplating my ventilation system and before I make any expensive mistake I thought Id show yall what I've been scheming. This is kinda what my idea entails. Im a little shady on the homemade carbon scrubber feel free to pitch...
  7. Orphen

    Ventilation Ignorance

    Cool, that all makes perfect sense but I'm not familiar with the enclosed light hood. What is that and what does it do? And thanks, I can't take all the credit for my awareness on the importance of Venting. I've read a lot and talked to some wise people on these forums.
  8. Orphen

    Ventilation Ignorance

    Alright so Im going to be cutting a hole in the wall towards the top of my closet and one on the opposite side towards the bottom. The one at the top will be my exhaust and the one at the bottom will be my intake. I have two questions on these. Where do I place the exhaust fan and intake fan...
  9. Orphen

    Opinions Appreciated

    Not smell so much as just temperature. Is this 1000 watt going to fatigue my plants and produce noticeably lower yields if i don't have a certain amount of ventilation. I guess this would of been a better way to phrase my question from the beginning.
  10. Orphen

    Opinions Appreciated

    Nah its just a regular door. Im thinking I might have to make something like a grow tent inside my closet to get this to work or knock out some drywall (which i would like to avoid). I plan to be very diligent with this project and I wish to yield a lot. Suppose I was able to get 250 more...
  11. Orphen

    Opinions Appreciated

    The walls are already white, Its kinda why I think the mylar might be over board. But I were to use dryer vent I'd need to cut a hole in the wall or something wouldn't I?
  12. Orphen

    Opinions Appreciated

    Hola my fiends and future friends! Whaz up on the RollitUp? Im seeking some advice on a grow room Im currently scheming but I coming up with a couple problems. So hopefully some of you vets out there might be able to shed a little light on my ignorance. So I have a rather large closet that Im...