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  1. B

    Grow Tent Club

    Sweet. Do you use a 400 watt or 600 watt? Also would one fan with carbon scrubber be enough? or would i need that plus a fan for intake? That's all the fans I should need right? Good news to hear you can fit 4-5 plants..I hope I will be able to yield enough for personal use off 4-5 plants.
  2. B

    Grow Tent Club

    This will be my first grow and I have a list ready. I plan on getting the Jardin dark room pro dr90. It's 3x3x7. Will this be enough space for 4-6 plants? Also should I go with a 400 watt or 600 watt? This is my list so far. Let me know what you all think.. What else would I need? More...
  3. B

    Help Me Design My First Grow

    Oh I see what I did. I posted the wrong tent in my list. The one I plan to get is Approximate size: 3' x 3' x 6'
  4. B

    Help Me Design My First Grow

    Awesome. Thanks for the info. I will take your advice, and go for the better quality equipment. I think I want to stay with the DR90 with the 400 watt however. Mainly because I don't have a lot of room where I live and the tent will basically be in my living room. Would I be losing a ton...
  5. B

    Help Me Design My First Grow

    I think I have decided to go with a Secret Jardin Dark Room, and a 400 watt HPS/MH. Here's my list $210 Grow Tent- $229- 400 watt HPS/MH-...
  6. B

    Help Me Design My First Grow

    I have yet to buy anything, thought I have a couple things in mind. I want to grow 4-6 plants. I plan to use Ocean Forest for my first grow in 5gal pots. I have a 2x4 closet I could use as a room. If I use the closet how could I set up venting? Cut holes into the wall or the door? Or I...