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  1. R

    Is it a dude or a chick?

    2 more in high res. I casn't see any pistils at all and that is why I am so worried. I trully hope you guys are right, but I am afraid the chance of wrong judgement because of the photos... So,I wont chop it today you kept this plant alive at the moment, but I am really suspicious about it...
  2. R

    Is it a dude or a chick?

    The plant is in Scrog techique... This is the terminal shoot --->
  3. R

    Is it a dude or a chick?

    I reuploaded the photos in better resolution, and I added some more too...
  4. R

    Is it a dude or a chick?

    Hello Rollitup, happy new year to everyone!!So Im 3 weeks into 12/12 and the strain is big bud#2 from herbies free seeds.This was supposed to be a feminised plant but I have some serious doubts about it, I'm not sure on the sex. Hope these pics are clear, I'm afraid that this may be a boy...:wall:
  5. R

    Spots on leaves

    Any suggestions? Anyone? As far as I can see, the problem is pretty similar to the photo D in the picture below.... Shall I foliar feed with Epsom Salts or it is better to water the soil with Epsom Salts???
  6. R

    Spots on leaves

    I water every 3-4 days, feeding with nutes every second watering. So probably I am not overfeeding them at all. The ph of water is 6-6.1. The last watering before spots showed (4 days before spots) had 1 ml/l Bio-grow, 1 ml/l Bio-heaven, 1 ml/l Bio-bloom and 0.5 ml/l top max with ph of 5.9-6. I...
  7. R

    Spots on leaves

    Please offer any advice. Indoor Soil: Biobizz All Mix Nutrients: Biogrow, Bioheaven, Biobloom, Topmax Runoff PH 6.6-6.7 They are 2 weeks in flower. Yesterday (day 16th flower) one of them started show these symptoms in a few of the upper leaves (one node below the main colas) The 2 first...
  8. R

    Spots on leaves and slightly curled up tips

    I did this in an effort to reduce the ph which was above 8.....
  9. R

    Spots on leaves and slightly curled up tips

    Ok here's a photo about 5-6 days later with the hps OFF. As far as I can see there is no significant difference, no spreading no reduction. The Runoff PH is now about 6.4. Is this photo drops to any conclusions? Note: The spots are exist on the 4th node of each one of the main colas and only...
  10. R

    Spots on leaves and slightly curled up tips

    I am a little late, I know.The thing is I topped them with Uncle Ben's method when they were about a month in veg. Then I waited three more weeks to develop and just today I switced the lights to 16/8 (tomorrow 14/10 and the day after 12/12). The taller main collas are about 45-50 cm at this...
  11. R

    Spots on leaves and slightly curled up tips

    Hello kind of new to the sport (1st grow) and I am experiencing some problems. Indoor Soil: Biobizz All Mix Nutrients: Biogrow, Bioheaven, Biobloom, Topmax Watering PH: 5.9-6.2 I am 7 weeks in Veg and just 4 days ago I transplanted them from 8 liters to the final 18 liters pots. The next day...