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  1. Truro's Saint

    First Grow - Barney's Farm LSD (Scrog)

    Update is soon to follow!
  2. Truro's Saint

    First Grow - Barney's Farm LSD (Scrog)

    Well guys, it's the end of week 3. Only 6 more to go. It's been an exciting week, as what was once a hard to capture pistil in a photo, has become an excellent looking bud! Bud is showing up all over the canopy, and I couldn't be happier! Who said scrogging would be hard? Let this be a lesson...
  3. Truro's Saint

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Don't know if I'm butting in or not here guys... just wanted to post my scrog setup. It's my first ever grow, and I decided to go with scrog due to height restrictions. I'm having great success (at least, I believe I am), having just flipped 2 weeks ago. Here's a couple pics, and a link to my...
  4. Truro's Saint

    First Grow - Barney's Farm LSD (Scrog)

    It's day 14 of flower, y'all!!! Shit is getting exciting. I have female flowers on both plants now. Just small, but it's still a wicked relief when growing from seed and in a scrog. Can you imagine the dissapointment if one or worse, both, had hermied or gone male? Pulling it all out of the...
  5. Truro's Saint

    First Grow - Barney's Farm LSD (Scrog)

    Hey guys... thought I'd throw on some new pics. Just been over a week now since switching to flower. The screen is still filling nicely! Hoping to have it filled in a week, hopefully. Good call on when to switch, everyone. Thanks for the advice! Also, on one plant, I have started seeing some...
  6. Truro's Saint

    First Grow - Barney's Farm LSD (Scrog)

    Thanks, crackbaby... hahaha. I'm definitely excited. It will be REALLY great when I can chill out on the pruning and training too, though. Maybe another 2 weeks. Also, I know they're feminized seeds, but I'd love to see them calyxes and pistils popping out.
  7. Truro's Saint

    First Grow - Barney's Farm LSD (Scrog)

    Thanks, brother. Really appreciate the support!
  8. Truro's Saint

    First Grow - Barney's Farm LSD (Scrog)

    Hey, guys! Glad to say that I've switched over to the 430w HPS, turned the lights down to 12 hours, and am underway into my first flower cycle! It's very exciting, I must say. I'm in day 3, with hopefully 60 days to go. My screen has been filling nicely and I continue tucking down tips everyday...
  9. Truro's Saint

    First Grow - Barney's Farm LSD (Scrog)

    It's more for the cost issue, yeah.
  10. Truro's Saint

    First Grow - Barney's Farm LSD (Scrog)

    I definitely burned them early in their life and I think I stunted their growth in doing so. I feel they have been slow growing, for sure. I think I'll try for a few more tips to get through and then send them on their way. Lights are as low as I can get them for now, yeah. When the lights...
  11. Truro's Saint

    First Grow - Barney's Farm LSD (Scrog)

    Hey, everyone!!! Well, it seems RollItUp seems to be going through some shit, eh? I hope I didn't lose all these last few weeks' posts. Oh well, progress cannot be stopped, and I'm ready to show some new photos, and I'm in need of some advice from you guys. The grow is going well here, and I'm...
  12. Truro's Saint

    Vanila kush & LSD, second grow

    Wow... just awesome, dude. Awesome...
  13. Truro's Saint

    First Grow - Barney's Farm LSD (Scrog)

    Hey everyone... Plants turned 3 weeks old today. As I suspected from my last update... I did indeed burn the seedlings a bit. One more so than the other. HOWEVER... I did flush the rockwool with ph'd water over the last few days and the new growth seems to be responding well. Lower leaves could...
  14. Truro's Saint

    First Grow - Barney's Farm LSD (Scrog)

    Bored here at home... figured the girls (hopefully) turned 2 weeks old today, why not throw on some pics? They seem to be developing nicely. They don't look large, but they are drinking a lot for their size. I'm thinking the roots must be getting well established. They still seem too small for...
  15. Truro's Saint

    First Grow - Barney's Farm LSD (Scrog)

    Hey guys, just thought I'd pt up a couple of new pics in my free time. Not much has changed. The little seedlings are 10 days old now (from germination) and looking fine. It's hard to see in the pics, as I'm using my smartphone to take them, but both have started sprouting their second set of...
  16. Truro's Saint

    Vanila kush & LSD, second grow

    Looking great, Astro. Can't wait to see what your final yield will be. Good job!
  17. Truro's Saint

    First Grow - Barney's Farm LSD (Scrog)

    Thanks, strondded, that's something I could NOT find anywhere, was the strain specific scrog info. Really glad to have someone who's grown it already chime in with the good advice like that. Hope your crop turned out well for you!
  18. Truro's Saint

    First Grow - Barney's Farm LSD (Scrog)

    Here's the first photos guys. I germinated these seeds one week ago. Like I said earlier, they popped in the paper towel within 24 hours. They are in straight water ( pH - 5.8 ) with some root stimulant (Canna's Rhizotonic). And I'll probably begin giving them some very mild plant food starting...
  19. Truro's Saint

    First Grow - Barney's Farm LSD (Scrog)

    My seeds have both sprouted successfully! Off to a good start. Both germinated using the paper towel method (both popped within 24 hours), they've been placed in starter cubes, and tonight after work I'll be moving them into larger blocks and putting them in my cabinet. As soon as I do, I...
  20. Truro's Saint

    First Grow - Barney's Farm LSD (Scrog)

    Thanks, staf82, I was indeed wondering about the stretch. It's my first grow, and on top of that, I'll be trying to scrog it. So hopefully the stretching won't become a major issue, but just stay tuned and see for yourself. Thanks for the info!