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  1. roll1fourme

    My babies are infested HELP!!!! IN NEED OF SPIDER MITE TERMINATION in flowering

    having a small mite problem myself i found out you can buy lady bugs at home depot not sure were in the store they keep them but here is the link...
  2. roll1fourme

    The Big 6 (Wheezers Outdoor 2011 Grow)

    looking great weez... havent been on in forever just put pics up of my girls let me know what you think man
  3. roll1fourme

    My First Legal Crop

    its been like two months since iv been able to update this thread and today i got the pics so enjoy here are the pics of the smaller grow they got a halfassed light dep cause they were on the morning side of my house so they got shade after 12 pm and here are the big ones they get...
  4. roll1fourme

    My First Legal Crop

    in the mountains and on the coast its cooler but not in the valley
  5. roll1fourme

    My First Legal Crop

    if by "close" you mean about 350 miles north... then yes
  6. roll1fourme

    My First Legal Crop

    i live in cali it was 105 today my plants love it
  7. roll1fourme

    Deformity's and just plain WTF

    those cans were there because i was drinking them while i trimmed the shade leaves back lol
  8. roll1fourme

    The Big 6 (Wheezers Outdoor 2011 Grow)

    hey wheezer check this out if im not mistaken this is the plant you said looked like romulan
  9. roll1fourme

    My First Legal Crop

    check out this thread. got anything to add?
  10. roll1fourme

    Deformity's and just plain WTF

    pics of the deformed leaf and another little plant thats doing great now
  11. roll1fourme

    Deformity's and just plain WTF

    have had a few plants over the years do some weird shit. shit that i couldn't explain anybody got any stories or pics? heres some weird shit my plants did this year
  12. roll1fourme

    My First Legal Crop

    sorry guys i went out to the other grow yesterday were i have the big plants and wen i went to take pics the camera was dead so i got a couple on my ladys cam phone as soon as she sends them to me ill get them up
  13. roll1fourme

    Wheezers little 12- last minute cheap grow

    and i jizzed in my pants... lol i hate that song but i love silver haze fav strain
  14. roll1fourme

    The TRUTH About Men...

    you cant smoke a male!!
  15. roll1fourme

    F Yeah!!! Just got my 1st order of SEEDS!

    nice line up how are you planing on growing them in or out door ?hopefully indoor cause its realy late in the season to start out door. at least were i live but for all i know u live in china lol anyways im subbed
  16. roll1fourme

    Wheezers little 12- last minute cheap grow

    in the 12th as well
  17. roll1fourme

    Wheezers little 12- last minute cheap grow

    looks awesome man great pics the 6th and 7th ones are realy nice is that the same plant in both pics? looking at your list is that one the orange tahoe or the orangutrain?
  18. roll1fourme

    My First Legal Crop

    thanks guys... ill get up some new pics in a couple of days they've grown allot since the last pics
  19. roll1fourme

    My First Legal Crop

    thanks... this thread was kind of a gost town if you look im like the only one to post in it since the first few days i started it lol kinda sucks balls ill keep it updated every so often these pics are about a week old