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  1. S

    Overwatering Seedlings?

    Seedlings germ'd 15 days ago. They're under 2 T8 tubes about 6 inches above them. I was using 175 ppm tap water ph'd to 5.8 to water them until yesterday when i switched to ph'd R/O. I was letting the tap water sit for a day uncovered before using to remove the chlorine. 3 of them are...
  2. S

    Deficiency or Burn?

    I def do not have ph stability issues with tap water after the first day its pretty rock solid until i have to top off the res with tap water 2-3 days after to raise the ph slightly and fill the res. Thanks for the quick replies!
  3. S

    Deficiency or Burn?

    Hm. my tap water is about 7.1ish pre ph'd and runs @ 175-180ppm. I've tried one of those water tests from a hardware store and it seemed to be fine although it does not tell you much as far as actual numbers go. I believe it said the chlorine level was normal. As far as using it in my res goes...
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    Deficiency or Burn?

    I had germinated an old bag seed I had laying around and it is about 4 weeks old. Going to post pics below. These are of the bottom leaves. The upper leaves seem to be okay, a few look to have a slight burn at the tip of them. Running it on a drip system. This plant is only about 8-9" tall...
  5. S

    Did I cause PM?

    alright, thanks. I'm currently doing 24/0 for veg. Going 20/4 for a day then back to 24/0 shouldn't hurt anything right?
  6. S

    Did I cause PM?

    Doing a hydro drip system with just 1 plant atm. It is about 3 weeks into veg. I seen 1 orange spider mite and a leaf that looked like it had taken spider mite damage so i sprayed it with "BAYER ADVANCED Natria Insect Disease & Mite Control." Afterwards, because I was sort of in a panic I guess...
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    2x4 room 400w hps ventilation question

    I ended up getting a combo similar to what you mentioned. 6 inch can fan with a carbon filter. I'd rather go too big then too small as I may expand the room 2 feet wider at a later date. This is in a basement and my air in the next room generally says 72-75ish year round. so everything...
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    2x4 room 400w hps ventilation question

    Yes there are 4 inch exit/entry panels that are removable on the sides of the hood and I will most def get glass cut when everything is up and running.
  9. S

    2x4 room 400w hps ventilation question

    Understood. I could tell that theres a major difference in power etc they're just listed as "inline" fans also.
  10. S

    2x4 room 400w hps ventilation question

    Left it on for an hour and it was around 88-93F about 18 inches from the lamp. So when you say an inline fan is not the answer are you also speaking of can-fan/vortex inline fans or just inline duct fans? So fire, I am a bit confused on your positioning for the exhaust setup. Are you saying I...
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    2x4 room 400w hps ventilation question

    Thanks for the reply! From what I've seen from other posts I'll make a 2-3 4inch holes for the passive intake on the opposite side. Should I duct the intake down closer to the bottom of the room or will it be fine in the rafters? I assume these intakes should be screened. I was going to add...
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    2x4 room 400w hps ventilation question

    My flowering side is almost setup.. All I have left to do is ventilation for the room. I can easily vent outside(to the right of the hps in the pics) and have an intake on the left side from the room next to my basement which is usually cool. The area that I am working with is about 2x4x6.5ft...
  13. S

    Free Grow Software!

    I'm currently having the same issue that Jason2011 stated a couple pages ago(buttons/input/data forms are cut off near the bottom). However your solution of changing the DPI doesn't work for me because mine was already at 96. I'm running vista utlimate w/ .net framework updated. Any help...