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  1. R

    Atheism Anyone?

    Atheist here too. I believe organized religion was invented as a means to control the masses. I can't understand why people fear there being nothing when we die, when you're dead you won't have to worry about it.
  2. R

    I could use some advice... Should I clear house or take the risk?

    You can never worry too much where growing is concerned.
  3. R

    Feeding Your Plant With Breastmilk?

    Absolutley hilarious, needed a good laugh :bigjoint:
  4. R

    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not a LED hater or anything and I wish you the best of luck in your pursuits. You're dead right when you say I have no experience of LEDS, no practical experience that is, however it's not really fair to say I don't have an informed opininion. As I said earlier I've done...
  5. R

    Faster Flowering Possible?

    Nope, never tried it mate, never believed I've had the need to. My plants get plenty of fresh air and in my opinon thats all they need. They're healthy and aren't lacking in anything. However, if I were to be shown scientific proof that backs up your claims regarding CO2 speeding up flowering...
  6. R

    Faster Flowering Possible?

    Nice fella :roll: BTW have spent lots of time googling this subject and have NEVER found any scientific proof to backup what you claim. Let's keep this clean
  7. R

    Faster Flowering Possible?

    Please do, I'm always willing to learn :cool: If possible please provide link to experiments conducted and results obtained, or side by side grows, one with CO2 and one without, all backed up by scientific proof. Anything else is just heresay.
  8. R

    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

    Why should I have a guilty conscience, I've done nothing wrong :lol: In response to your post I was only clarifying I was not a member of either group you referred to .. ie noob or old timer, so as my opinion would not be ridiculed, as it seems you take neither group seriously PS ... I've...
  9. R

    LIke the journal Kev ;-)

    LIke the journal Kev ;-)
  10. R

    Anyone tried This?

    Never ordered from them myself but do know of people who have successfully done so.
  11. R

    Cutting vs. Pulling Leaves Off

    Hit the nail on the head .... IMHO the only time trimming is justified is when growing a SCROG, and only then trim in veg stage. NEVER EVER prune plant in flower stage. It will only shock plant and reduce yield. Pruning or trimming to expose buds to light is a waste of time. Light hitting a...
  12. R

    Faster Flowering Possible?

    Misinformation ... C02 will not help plants finish any faster.
  13. R

    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

    LED is just not there yet. I've done lots of research and followed dozens of grow journals. LEDS are decent for vegging but do not have proper penetration for flowering. Most of the LED growers will admit this themselves. I am yet to see any evidence that suggests otherwise. I'm an open minded...
  14. R

    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

    LED's very good for veg stage, but don't have good enough penetration for flowering.
  15. R

    First Grow

    Agreed, a decent over the counter potting compost should provide everything a seedling needs for the first few weeks/month ... in a small pot that is. In a bigger pot the goodies in the soil could potentially last months, as it will take time for the plant to grow into it.
  16. R


    Thanks for the warm welcome and kind offer :cool:
  17. R


    Hi all, new to the forum but not new to growing. Might start a journal at some stage and share with ye what I'm doing :bigjoint: Peace