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  1. Just dazed and confused

    My First Real Grow Thread! Socal Style!

    Roots equals fruits haha i like that! Dude i would highly recommend the nute cycle that "Cyco" makes if you wanna spend the money and have some crazy outdoors. Look it up here's the URL - check it out. I just recently started using it for flowering and i'm...
  2. Just dazed and confused

    First Timer

    Yeah, The temp is a little high when the light is on, and the humidity stays like 10-15% below where it should be. But i'm gettin my tent and everything tomorrow so hopefully that will solve my problems.
  3. Just dazed and confused

    3000 watt Hps Super Grow Gets Another 400w mh. Just for Fun

    Finally got the temporary flowering room built, it turned out great but you know how it goes. Haha to fix one problem creates 3 more. Anyways, lets get some new pics. I wanna see all that sugar!!
  4. Just dazed and confused

    First Timer

    I'm having serious problems because i am getting no fresh air into the space. It's all sealed off and getting sooo hott and soooo humid. I opened it up for a little bit and its about where it should be right now as far as temp. & Humid. but this will only work temporarily for it is going to be a...
  5. Just dazed and confused

    Smokin Tree grows - Sannie, DrGreenthumb, Reservoir and Breeders Choice

    Awesome photo's, looks like you've got some serious sugar going! The pictures certainly do the plants justice. I'm sub'd and looking forward to more updates. Happy Growing!
  6. Just dazed and confused

    First Timer

    Here's some updated photos :peace:
  7. Just dazed and confused

    First Timer

    Hey thanks alot man! Appreciate the Good wishes. So as of right now i'm waiting on a 5x5x7 foot reflective grow tent, A new bigger enclosed lamp hood, 4" wind tunnel duct fan and carbon filter, I have recently transplanted and trimmed up the lower nodes. They are getting big now and i need to...
  8. Just dazed and confused

    3000 watt Hps Super Grow Gets Another 400w mh. Just for Fun

    The ladies are looking phenomenal dude!
  9. Just dazed and confused

    First Timer

    Hey, this is my first grow. Definitely a budget grow but i'm doin alright so far. Getting by with what i have. I'm running a 1000W HPS right now and i've got some new equipment on layaway that i should have soon. Everything is going to change but this is the setup i've got running now. 8 plants...