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  1. L

    From My 2 Hour Experience I Have Concluded That

    Crane does this place ring the bell?,-108.285205&sspn=0.926434,0.56463&ll=36.471615,-108.251574&spn=0.005694,0.013497&t=h&z=17
  2. L

    From My 2 Hour Experience I Have Concluded That

    Carne Seca, shocked? could you please answer me?
  3. L

    From My 2 Hour Experience I Have Concluded That

    how long does it usually take to the NAPI HQ through the 371??
  4. L

    I am really sorry guys, I promise you wont see me again here.

    I am sorry to come back here but I would like to thank ever and single on of you for writing my blog. I am bursting into happiness, I dont need to pursuit any more. such a great ppl in here
  5. L

    If you Hate Trolling and Stupid People, There is a Ignore Button

    :( I wont want to annoy you guys anymore, please leave some nice comments on ym blog
  6. L

    If you Hate Trolling and Stupid People, There is a Ignore Button

    guys go slowly on my ass
  7. L

    I just want to thank you for the lols i had

    I just want to thank you for the lols i had
  8. L

    I am really sorry guys, I promise you wont see me again here.

    I know have been annoying some here and their with my weak english and lame attitude. I know i am stupid and I got a lot to learn. I just want to say sorry guys for everything I have done for you. From now on I will be leaving this forum and wont msg anyone here or even there. As if you have...
  9. L

    If you Hate Trolling and Stupid People, There is a Ignore Button

    its simple, you dont need to suffer and read all the shit in here, just go there ignore everyone whos annoying you! A book is a version of the world. If you do not like it, ignore it; or offer your own version in return. Salman Rushdie
  10. L

    From My 2 Hour Experience I Have Concluded That

    TrynaGroSumShyt is one of guys from the movie "dude where is my car?" see4 = Foreveralone troll wanabee, in this depressing forum, but I would suck is dick Carne Seca = fat bitch with social anxiety tip top toker = wise old man with no family living a home all alone doing the same thing over...
  11. L

    Is this real life?

    ^^^ you surely never been to a gym
  12. L

    Is this real life?

    Carne Seca, first of all I am not 400lb, I am i have some decent mass on me, and I am still gaining more LEAN MASS. Thankfully, I dont have have a Panda on my avatar. and would like to thank my parents for these great genetics
  13. L

    Hi everyone i am new here

    here you go! oh, shit. Look at india it has a great deal of ppl with aids, wow the middle east has a very low aids rate
  14. L

    Is this real life?

    Amm... tip top toker , what are you talking about? your english is getting so hard I cant seem to catch up. Sorry. Anyways, Carne Seca are you talking about my avatar? wana see more of ma sexy body?
  15. L

    Hi everyone i am new here

    omg Medical Grade I loled so hard, damnnnnn you made me day, thank you! but thats racist
  16. L

    Is this real life?

    sharon1 I totally respect you, i mean You were here ever since I joined the forum... and you have never been anything but nice and kind to me. I would like to thank you for that. Also you did not try to be like the others here, which made me like you even more!!!! sharon1 if you were a female I...
  17. L

    Is this real life?

    so all these people posting their gardens or w/e you want to call them did not agree to the rules? weed in anyform is illegal in irealdn and the UK. btw the UK one has like 1700 pages of posts
  18. L

    Hi everyone i am new here

    I'd like to mention that I am openly gay and HIV free. I have been all around the world and now i am stuck in the HOLE or PLUNGE in my life and its reallt depressing
  19. L

    Is this real life?

    I did not lie... I'd like to call my lawyer.
  20. L

    such a great person

    such a great person