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    3 wire PC fan to outlet? kno this is old but could sumone tell me how exactly to hook it up
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    are these Males?

    do males produce bud if so y throw the plant out
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    Noob Grow Room

    well its kinda noobish to yall but a major upgrade 4 me. i had one nite lite under 2 pots wid 7 plants only 4 sprouted but now i got a fish tank about this size and a reptile light over it exactly like this when i transfered the soil i found a bunch of roots at the bottom so i hope they...
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    Droop Leaves

    on only one plant the all both textured leaves are do i fix this
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    1st Indoor Grow

    my first indoor soon will it be b4 my plants start producing bud
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    Permafrost week 4 flower, yummy? (pics)

    they nice...really nice....wanna trade
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    What Kinda Weed Was That?

    umm yea u read it i think i did just post it....and thanx not new but mostly where i live theres only mid nothin else so i had never seen it until this mornin
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    What Kinda Weed Was That?

    this mornin b4 cousin came outside and he had this type of weed. the only thing he said about it was that it was loud but he didnt say what type....let me describe it. the twigs and stems where purple yet the bud itself was lime green and very fuzzy
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    Curled Leave

    i'll try to get a picture up soon and u guys were rite...over i left the root in the ground and jus pinched out the brown part and the top half of the plant with the leaves i planted the remaining stem of that into the ground
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    How to Pass a Drug Test?

    diet i would say 2 weeks to be on the safe laxitives and use it to clean your colan and your whole system....from then,,,drink PLENTY water, get PLENTY of exercise in so u sweat, and DO NOT eat any fatty foods, with grease, or fried foods or anything, the fat will make the thc stick...
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    BBJB's Indoor & Outdoor Grow Journal

    Update One one stem of my indoor plant, it turned brown from the soil to the center and bent down; I put some water on the stem; We'll see what happens.
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    Curled Leave

    update..on one of the 3 plants, the stem bent down and is laying on the soil and its brown in the center...i put some water over it...what else should i do
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    Curled Leave

    i just started planting about 3 days ago...and i leaves with the texture is doing fine but the leaves with out texture on all 3 of my plants are curling under...they aren't shriviling or changin color, theyr still green but the just seem to duck under a little this good bad and wat...
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    Tell Yo Side

    I wanna hear any stories you have while u were high or blazin...funny, scary, stupid, etc. I wanna hear it:bigjoint:bongsmilie:eyesmoke::blsmoke:
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    3 Weeks into My First Flower!

    epic...hopefully mines gets that nice
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    4 Week Old Indoor Grow: Need Help

    its probably to close to the light since i see u have your lite on your wall and your plant rite next to it...try putting your plant above your plant instead so u can raise it as your plaants the mean time tho....dim the light or put a less bright bulb in and water it real good
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    BBJB's Indoor & Outdoor Grow Journal

    Wats up ROLLITUP community. Welcome to BBJB's grow journal I have 4 plants outdoor and 3 growing indoor. I've only been planting for 3 days and my indoor's have about 3 inches while my outdoor's are just sprouting. I'm watering w/ pureifed drinking water from walmart (the gallon jug) and I mixed...
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    Is Topping Necessary?

    ok...thanx...not how do u top
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    Is Topping Necessary?

    i never really understood the purpose of this or how to do it so i want to no do i ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO DO IT