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  1. qwigo


    plus you need some fans on them or theyll be weak as fuck especially if you over water them
  2. qwigo

    30ish Yr old Columbian Gold Seed Sprouts. Do I Want it to be a Male or Female?

    if theyre routbound it will be easy to tell if u re-pot them because the roots will be wraped round the inside of the container its in
  3. qwigo

    30ish Yr old Columbian Gold Seed Sprouts. Do I Want it to be a Male or Female?

    pics would help as its hard to guess but it sounds a bit like underwatering. post some pics a.s.a.p. make sure when your watering that the soil is getting wet at the bottom of the pot
  4. qwigo


    painting the inside of the grow room white would improve things a lot and you've got no fans so the plants will be weak, what bulb you using?
  5. qwigo

    how tall?

    Haha "the most ghetto thing on the planet" your funny dude yes could be clorine poisoning or nute burn, as bong hostage said pics would help
  6. qwigo

    Is my Plant Healthy?

    looks fine mabye it could use a bit more sun and a bit more in the open so its getting some wind
  7. qwigo

    Help my baby's

    could have been underwatered and came back, what nutes do you give it?
  8. qwigo

    Possible to put my pants on 15 hrs light 9 dark? Please reply

    This is the lemon haze soldier Orange 1 Orange 2
  9. qwigo

    30ish Yr old Columbian Gold Seed Sprouts. Do I Want it to be a Male or Female?

    wow im amazed that the seeds have survived 30 years and have still sprouted! i'll be waching this grow.
  10. qwigo

    Possible to put my pants on 15 hrs light 9 dark? Please reply

    these pics were from about a week ago the lemon seems to have progressed a little i think its too late to veg again because the buds have already formed? , i will post more pics today when i take some.
  11. qwigo

    Possible to put my pants on 15 hrs light 9 dark? Please reply

    so what would happen to the lemon haze (the small plant) if i leave it on 16?, If it has to happen ill fuk her off she's flowerd well to early if i had of got her sooner she could have stayed in veg with the orange buds, when i got her she was in a tall thin milkshake cup clear so you could see...
  12. qwigo

    Possible to put my pants on 15 hrs light 9 dark? Please reply

    why do i see loads of people giving advice on 1 post and the only advice i get is about the title of the thred?
  13. qwigo

    Possible to put my pants on 15 hrs light 9 dark? Please reply

    haha no way, ive only just realised i done that. but yea i already no that i can put dem on watever i want, i wanted to no if i could keep the lemon at the start of flowering coz it was already started when i got it and giv the orange buds more time to veg. but wow did i get some advice! nice one
  14. qwigo

    Possible to put my pants on 15 hrs light 9 dark? Please reply

    i done it again because no 1 looked at the first 1, i dont know how to do it. just a pic off da web danny, nice tho. so can any1 tell me the best thing to do?
  15. qwigo

    Possible to put my pants on 15 hrs light 9 dark? Please reply

    2 orange bud, 1 lemon haze in double pc grow box the first pic is of a orange bud palnt bin in veg for 5 weeks i toped it yesterday it looks a bit male coz its not as bushy as the other 1. the second pic is of the other orange bud plant sprouted few days after the first but is the stronger of...
  16. qwigo

    hi roll it up this is my first real grow and i need some advice

    2 orange bud, 1 lemon haze in double pc grow box pic 1: orange bud palnt bin in veg for 5 weeks or so i have toped it yesterday, i think it looks a bit male coz its not as bushy as the other 1. pic:2 orange bud plant sprouted few days after the first but is the stronger of the 2 and i think is...
  17. qwigo

    How to Top Plants?

    dont know seems a bit far into it to revert bak now duzn it?
  18. qwigo

    How to Top Plants?

    hi i have 2 orange bud plants about 5 weeks veg and then i aquierd a lemon haze wich hadent been looked after properly so has started to grow its bud, wich cudent b left on veg cyc with my oranges cud it? so i was going to try a comprimise and do like 15 light 9 dark. i have also just topped the...