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    Hey Man I really like what youve been up to with ur AG. Im actually thinking about doing the...

    Hey Man I really like what youve been up to with ur AG. Im actually thinking about doing the same so that would be great if you could give me some suggestions. Which AG do you recommend? Are you using the lights that came with it? anything you could tell me would be great. Thanks Immortal99887
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    Aerogarden IKEA Cabinet Diesel-Ryder Grow

    Hey I have a few questions. Which aerogarden do you suggest and are you using the lights that came with it?
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    Hey thanks for the advice. What type of aerogarden do you suggest getting?? Also is there anyway to eliminate or hide the smell so that someone walking around the room couldnt tell? I got some nosy roomates haha
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    Auto Blueberry-Aerogarden

    Hey, does anyone have suggestions on what type of Aerogarden to get??
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    Hey Has anyone tried using an AeroGarden to grow bud? Some say it works and others say it doesnt. I have a very limited space, about 14 inches wide, 2 and 1/2 feet high and about 3 feet back/deep. I wanted to try a mirco grow and get an AeroGarden to put inside. Any suggestions would be...
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    Welcome New Members!

    Hey, this is going to sound stupid but how do I just post a simple question? haha i keep looking in forums but dont see anywhere to post?