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    Growing with 6 inch rockwool water question

    Hey guys Just switched from soil to hydro, Just wanted to see how many times should I flood my table. Thanks
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    *** VEGANICS With DR. VonDank ***

    Whats up VonDank. You Godzillas look great. :)
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    Exhale Co2 Bags?

    Try here, I used it and they work great
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    4 feet T5 6 bulb coverage

    Lmao Nitro, so I am :)
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    4 feet T5 6 bulb coverage

    I just bought a 6 bulb T5 light fixture. Question that I have is how much does it cover and how far should my light be above my plants. Thank you!
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    Cooling down 4 x 1000 hps

    Hi I already have 2 x 1000 hps xxx 8 inch hoods. Im using 6 inch inline fan too cool down and filter. Question: If i add 2 more of total of 4 x 1000 hps, what kind of inline is recommended to cool down my 4 lights. Thank you