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    Fully automated aeroponic system for space exploration (University project)

    Cheers for the help guys. Juicybuds you're right this isnt going to be used by nasa its just a university project. There is however a british space exploration company who are funding the project and im basicaly doing it for them, called 'magna parva'. Obviously theyre not going to send my...
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    Fully automated aeroponic system for space exploration (University project)

    Also i should probably mention that the system is going to be pretty small, roughly the same size as the aerogarden (which i also tried to use once, what a piece of cr*p :P). Probably only going to fit 1 plant in there for the roots sake.
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    Fully automated aeroponic system for space exploration (University project)

    Ah cool cheers dude. Well the thing is i wont have time to actually build the whole system and produce a successful grow by may, so the im mainly expected just to produce a hydro-controller that that gets all the ratios correct etc and a way for the lights to automatically raise themselves as...
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    Fully automated aeroponic system for space exploration (University project)

    Hi guys, basically im in my final year of engineering at uni and my personal project is to develop a fully automated aeroponic system to support (and entertain) our beloved astronaughts on their missions. By fully automated i mean they could literally fall asleep for a month and wake up to...
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    Building a box, need a bit of help :/

    ok well i bought 2 computer fans and wired them up to an old cell phone charger. One i put as an exhaust at the top left corner of the box and the other as an air intake near the bottom right of the box. i also have a mini desk fan in there aimed at the plants for circulation. You reckon this...
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    30 Nirvana Seeds 10 Bag Seeds

    A couple years ago i got 80 nirvana seeds, 79 germinated, 78 made it to flowering, 39 females. i dont understand why people diss nirvana so much, they were a great band :(
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    Leaves yellowing from the center out...

    i too am having this problem, that link was good dertmagert, but it didnt really help in this situation (or i didnt read it properly :p). ill try and get some pics up in a minute.
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    Building a box, need a bit of help :/

    I think you misunderstood, i have a mini desk fan in there atm circulating stale air, but if i got a computer fan id build it into the side of the box to bring fresh air in, would that be kosher?
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    Building a box, need a bit of help :/

    Yeah i was thinking of a computer fan, but i wouldnt know how to wire it to the mains, dont they have a unique power connection that plugs straight into the motherboard? if someone could explain how i could splice the cable that would be perfect! Yeah the box isnt huge but im only planning on...
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    Building a box, need a bit of help :/

    bump? sorry to pester, but do you guys really want to be responsible for 7 dead plants?!?! :p
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    Building a box, need a bit of help :/

    but yeh what i wanted to know was what will happen if i put just the HPS in there with no reflector just an oscillating fan? would it kill my plants?
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    Building a box, need a bit of help :/

    i duno really i guess i just dont want the smell from the box getting out from the exhaust fan, i know i could put a carbon filter in etc etc but its still pretty expensive n im at uni so my budgets pretty low.
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    Building a box, need a bit of help :/

    well the thing is at the mo ive only got 52W of cfl lighting, which is pretty lame, im after a nice yield really.
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    Building a box, need a bit of help :/

    Hi guys, basically im building a box and ive got a couple questions about lighting. First off, the box is about 60x40x80(cm), made out of timber, its 12mm think, and the whole interior is covered in mylar. Now my question is, whats the deal with putting an HPS in there? would i definately need a...
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    yeh i used the nutes too soon i think and theyre now all dead, oh well, lesson learnt :( by stock lighting i meant the lights that came with the ag, i think its 2 26W cfl's.
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    ttt? :( sorry to pester but im starting to think about killing the plants and starting fresh?
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    here are some pics
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    Hi guys, first off glad to be aboard, been reading here for a while but this is my first post. Ive basically got a problem with my first grow (yes its in an aerogarden, you may ridicule me, but i didnt know any better until it was too late! ) my plants are about 2 inchest tall now, but all of a...