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  1. W

    My 6'7" Outdoor 5 Gallon Bucket Grow Sativa Pic

    Thanks, the Indica's buds were larger and more dense looking in comparison. I had to put splints on some of her limbs. I am hoping the Sativa's buds will thicken. Its towards the end so I dunno know. I am super subjective to anxiety and the Indica @ 10% amber has no ill effects. I have read...
  2. W

    My 6'7" Outdoor 5 Gallon Bucket Grow Sativa Pic

    I am 6'2" noob standing by my sativa. She is 6'6" from the top of the bucket. I read all kinds of info on 5 gallon grows and never thought this would happen. She is still flowering with 50% clear and 50% cloudy trichs. I lost 2 branches to moving & windy mishaps. I have to move her about to keep...
  3. W

    Need Heads Up on Trichs status on Leaves Vs. Inner Bud

    Thanks Guys, yes, I did not write down when she started showing, bad guess. Thanks for replying with answer. The Indica did not show these signs. She started her heads tilting and a few ambers came in and it held like that for a while and then she went 20% amber. Gosh her flowers were dense in...
  4. W

    Need Heads Up on Trichs status on Leaves Vs. Inner Bud

    I have a tall light colored Sativa that's been flowering for 4 or weeks and trying to look ready. I think the buds could be heavier but the strain is unknown. I may be spoiled by a little Indicas that had heavy buds. I see 5 to 10% amber on the 3 bladed leaves at the buds. I see 30% Clear...
  5. W

    Harvesting Time Help? Pic Attached

    Thanks Guys, Yes outdoors. I have also read you veterans look for the smaller single bladed leaves starting to curl and darken as a sign they are ready? None of mine are showing that. The fact the buds are so heavy its folding branches has me very excited.
  6. W

    Harvesting Time Help? Pic Attached

    Hi guys. I have an Indica that is in about the 6th or 7th week of flowering and has buds so heavy one of the lower limbs had to be fitted with a splint this AM after a rain. I use a 10x lens scope and there are no amber trichs yet. Its in a 5 gallon bucket, 5'6" tall with no roots poking out...
  7. W

    Its My 1st Harvest Time and I need To Double Check on Trichs Colors? Pics Inside.

    Hi, I have an Indica looking ready with 90% of the trichs looking a little cloudy. I want to get some for the cerebral effects and then leave some for couch locking. For the Cerebral thing do I wait until I see a few browning or golden ones and then pick? Then for the couch locker let them...
  8. W

    What Strain & Harvesting Technique To Avoid Anxiety Highs

    Thanks! When would you harvest the Sativa? Early with a few Trichs turning amber or later or????
  9. W

    What Strain & Harvesting Technique To Avoid Anxiety Highs

    About 20 years ago I developed something a High Times article I read 20 years ago called Reverse Tolerance. I would smoke and get too high and suffer from high Anxiety and wish I could come down. So I tried a suggestion from a friend and took only one toke and waited 30 minutes to see what...
  10. W

    Maturing To Harvest Time Question (Outdoor 5 Gallon Bucket Grow) Pics

    I have two outdoor 5 gallon bucket grows. They are obviously different strains one being much lighter in color and taller than the other. Both germinated together and in the same kind of medium. One is 57" from the rim, darker,and has been flowering for a few weeks with the top looking like a...
  11. W

    Coffee Grounds Used For Growing Medium

    I use my old espresso grounds. So far no negative effects.
  12. W

    Yellowing, I tried Something, How Do I Tell If It Worked

    Thank You, I'll leave her be then. She sure looks good though.
  13. W

    Yellowing, I tried Something, How Do I Tell If It Worked

    Thanks, She is just starting to show tiny pistils. What is in used coffee grounds?
  14. W

    Yellowing, I tried Something, How Do I Tell If It Worked

    I'm just a noob and have been reading tons here. I have a classic yellowing of some middle leaves. I added some Epsom salts and cut the water back some from 1 gallon in the AM to 1/2 gallon. They drain well. I am wondering how I tell if it worked? Do I cut the yellow leaves off and see if any...
  15. W

    This Stuff Must Be Potent Already. Mantis Killer, Pics

    The post your pics thread is not working. I had a Mantis move in and checked him this AM and he does not look so good. Stoned, Dead or just still asleep I dunno.......
  16. W

    "That Stuff" Mighty Wash? Kills Mites Dead

    Thanks, With vague posts like earlier in this thread its no wonder folks hate the search function. Thanks Again
  17. W

    "That Stuff" Mighty Wash? Kills Mites Dead

    Shop? What shop?
  18. W

    "That Stuff" Mighty Wash? Kills Mites Dead

    Help me out guys, I read the thread but see no reference to where you guys are buying Might Wash.
  19. W

    East Coast Guerilla Growers

    Thanks, I have Bacto premium potting soil @ 90% with 10% processed Walmart manure. Before I am done pouring the 1/2 gallon its running out the holes. I even thought the soil was separating from the sides letting it go down there and it was not. They are really pretty. I like the Bacto I think...