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  1. uppooloo

    Alabam Growin Help

    btw i think there should be a "pest control" forum right under the "outdoor growing" forum
  2. uppooloo

    Alabam Growin Help

    Im not sure if im gonna grow anything yet (probably not) but im still intrigued by the concept. But lets say i were to start a grow. I would need a fast finishing plant thats mold resistant w/ AT LEAST 10% thc lvls. and FORGIVING and vigorous light lvls may be a problem. so suggestions? i will...
  3. uppooloo

    Black and dark brown trichomes on this SSH I got

    curious id like to see an answer to this. was it shitty weed?
  4. uppooloo

    Rain Rot Prevention Ideas

    This horse may be beaten in another thread but i cant find it. We all cringe at the thought of our babies succumbing to bud rot after a few days of hard rain. So im looking for any ideas you guys have to combat this. And maybe a veteran grower to write an article about treating and preventing...
  5. uppooloo

    UV-A & UV-B rays and there possible effects on past and current pot

    hmmm thats kinda inappropriate i think we should work harder to keep this kind of unnecessary negativity off here. cool thought btw
  6. uppooloo

    Man created God?

    i recomend you read: tao te ching
  7. uppooloo

    Lighting chart this may be old news but i stumbled upon this cool lighting chart may be useful :bigjoint:
  8. uppooloo

    How Much Do You Smoke?

    i smoked this way for a couple months i was basically selling it just to pay for the smoke. i remember buying a box of shells like everyday i gotta stop smoking those damn cigars shells thats what will kill yer ass
  9. uppooloo

    Nowhere to grow! dig under the house?

    ok i was expecting to get started sooner than this but i have nowhere to facilitate my grow. Im waiting to get my own place. i was thinking about digging out something under my house and making it a grow room. ever heard of anyone doing this??? im losing my patience but i know i cant take any...
  10. uppooloo

    I have no where to facilitate my grow!

    I live in north al. in a sort of semi rural area. and I desperately need somewhere to raise my babies. i cant grow in my house. if u guys could throw some ideas my direction it would be appreciated. would there be a way to do it underground? idk kinda desperate :leaf::-(:leaf:
  11. uppooloo

    Welcome New Members!

    hi ive been doin research since i joined several months back and im finally ready to begin. just getting out in the forum because im sure i will have plenty of questions after i begin my grow. wish me luck