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  1. ExecutorOfStealth

    Starting seed Trouble

    Currently having the same problem, I fear it's because the soil mix im using is too packed and not loose enough
  2. ExecutorOfStealth

    First UK Outdoor Grow & a Late one at It..

    Interested to see how this turns out as I have just thrown some seeds in pots outdoors this week, I am also from the UK. Subbed!
  3. ExecutorOfStealth

    South Florida White Rhino

    I'm no expert but they are stretching, I'm guessing it's due to not enough direct sunlight... are you sure they are getting at least 6 hours? Also how often do you water them?
  4. ExecutorOfStealth

    HELP !! How much light at the beggining

    As far as I know watering once a day is usually overwatering. Only give it water when the soil is actually DRY, usually this is every 2 days ish, obviously water it more if your soil gets dry quicker than that. Investing in a moisture meter can't hurt either.
  5. ExecutorOfStealth

    Map Quest

    shit, unlucky one man, now at least you know to get the fuck away from power lines overgrown by plant-life! hope your grow succeeds. :)
  6. ExecutorOfStealth

    Hello beautiful community. Help a newb in need of medicine?

    Sounds like you've got your shit pretty covered, good luck, I am in the same position as you, just germed 3 seeds and chucked em in pots... we shall see what happens :D
  7. ExecutorOfStealth

    Stealth Dresser LST

    Even the time on the pics is right, 4:20!!!! hahahaha excellent grow!
  8. ExecutorOfStealth

    growth during flowering

    Might want to be careful about flipping your plants in 2 "gays", your plants might suddenly become males. Sorry, I had to do it. :lol:
  9. ExecutorOfStealth

    My Plant. In the Middle of the Street

    Subbed, keep it going man, they look great, can't really see the pistils on those.. or balls for that matter, a closeup wouldn't hurt though!
  10. ExecutorOfStealth


    Please don't thread hijack, start a new thread if your problem is that desperate... to me it sounds like a magnesium deficiency, i'm no expert though... use this as a guide:
  11. ExecutorOfStealth

    Can Police in UK Find if You Plant in Garden Outside?

    Don't worry man, the likely-hood of your (few) plants being spotted is very minimal, the helis are looking for big fields and factory grow operations, not your tiny little plant. Be stealthy, be safe, and don't tell anyone about your grow...and you'll be fine.