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  1. jokubas

    550W Led vs. 20x Green-o-Matic Autos

    Whell, im new so don't shout at me please.. what kind of growing type you are using? this ain't hydro as i can understand..and how much light you give them? like 12/12 from seed? again, sorry for so stupid questions...
  2. jokubas

    2nd Loryder PC Grow

    Can i ask you one i understand you did 1 intake fane at the top of box and 1 exhaust fan at the side of the box and this is enaught to cool your box???
  3. jokubas

    PC Case Box. Need Help with Light

    What for is needed PSU?
  4. jokubas

    PC Case Box. Need Help with Light

    And how much should remove? like 1x 20w and 1x 18w? or only 20w? or what..
  5. jokubas

    PC Case Box. Need Help with Light

    Hey all, so i made my pc case growbox. It is 17 T/ 7 W/ 17 L , i got 4 cfls 3x 20w + 1x 18w and i put 2x 80mm pc coller for exhaust and temp in box still are 38C. Idk what to do, maby there is to much cfls in so small box or what? pelase help me.. P.S. Very sorry for my horrible english, it is...
  6. jokubas

    Diy Cabinet - Rubbermaid, Step by Step w/ Pics!

    whell, what kind of "thing" you use to make your fan work? 12v adapter or what? P.S. srry for so stupid question...
  7. jokubas

    First Grow. Cfl in PC Case - Red Dwarf and Pakistan Ryder

    Can you show/paint/pic how tha hell you run 2 fans with only one 12v charger..i tryed alot and only 1 fan was working... :confused:
  8. jokubas

    Micro CFL Grow Box

    Hey, i don't want to look like retard but i have to you do scrog at first few veg weeks, and then remove net, or what. i think i saw in one photo that there is net, and then same photo with no net.. P.S. sorry for bad english, it is not my born language so.. PEACE
  9. jokubas

    Single Plant Stealth Box

    Did u used lst method and i think u used to weak cfl..u should get atleast 60w on that box, so you would get more then 7g?